Sundy Slurp- finding comfort.

Today’s Sunday Slurp is a beautiful submission by Krista Canfield and is a touching story that highlights the wisdom of a child in understanding that the nursing relationship benefits the mother as well as the nursling and has more than just the nutritional significance. Check out Krista’s Etsy!

On Kate’s second birthday we had the whole family over to celebrate. It was a typically crowded noisy affair . It is easy to see that being the center of all this attention could become a bit overwhelming for a little girl.
As bedtime drew near I put her in her jammies but let her stay up to play a little longer. When she didn’t come back downstairs to join the party I went up to her room to find her sitting on her bed, still in her party hat with her new baby doll tucked up under her shirt ” nursing”. It was the first time she had ever done this and it was priceless. It seems that she found it all too noisy and went to do the thing she found most relaxing and comforting. Proof positive that breastfeeding is about far more than nutrition.

If you are interested in making a submission to be considered for Sunday Slurp, please leave a comment here or on our Facebook fan page. We’re looking for short, sweet nursing stories every week.


  1. mandy_moo says

    Gosh, that is so sweet!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I love that story! So, by he way, did hubby!!:)

  3. That is so sweet! I hope my nursling finds as much comfort in nursing as that little one does.

  4. Caitlin @ Pacifier In My Pocket says

    What a sweet story!

    I would love to submit a story for the Sunday Slurp. What information do you need from me?

  5. Caitlin, to submit you can either join the facebook fan page and post there that you want to submit and I'll message you or you can e-mail me at ochantelle @ (no spaces) with "Sunday Slurp" submission in the subject line. Can't wait to see your submission!