Sweet Sunday Slurp- Treasured Memories

Today’s Sunday Slurp is by Jennifer, a mom of 3 girls. Jennifer blogs at Uncommonly Common Thoughts about life as a military wife and mom of her 3 spirited daughters. She shares with us here about the sweetness of treasured memories now that her breastfeeding days are done. Enjoy!

One of my favorite memories of nursing my 3 children…was when I had my youngest. Knowing she was my last I tried to savor every quiet nursing moment with her. (Hard to do with 2 other young kids running around…lol!) To slow down, calm down and rather than worrying about what needed to get done next, to instead focus all my attention on my little nursling. I loved looking into her eyes & just staring into them as she ate, and having her little fist wrapped around my finger. Smothering that little hand with kisses to the background noise of her making her soft gulping noises. The “baby smell” of her…the “milk drunk” look when she was done. Treasured memories. 🙂

If you are interested in making a submission to be considered for Sweet Sunday Slurp, please leave a comment here or on our Facebook fan page. We’re looking for short, sweet nursing stories every week.