
Alright, you currently lactating moms. We’ve got a contest. This contest is based entirely on ridiculousness and honesty. You have to honestly be ridiculous.

Inspired by a post on The Leaky Boob Facebook wall by a… liker? Not loving the new Facebook set up, seriously, what are we supposed to call the people that used to be fans? Anyway, the contest.

Inspired by a post on The Leaky Boob Facebook wall, this contest is to see how far your lactating boobies can spray milk and in how many streams. Think of it as The Leaky Boob’s version of darts. Wait until you see what we come up with for pool. πŸ˜‰

Here’s what you’ll need for the contest:
3 piece of paper (colored paper is probably best)
measuring tape
digital camera

Be honest please, we have to take your word and it just won’t be fun if somebody lies. A brawl is kind of hard over the internet, so play nice.
You have to take a picture of your paper.
Measure from the wall to the arch of your foot where you were/are standing.

Tape a piece of paper to the wall.
Measure and stand 5 feet from the wall.
Aim boobie at the paper and “give ol’ Bessie a squeeze”, trying to hit the paper.
Adjust as needed, moving closer or farther away.
You can try with both boobies.
Whatever your farthest shot comes from, measure that, take a picture of your paper.
Count your streams too, you get bonus points for individual spots from the different streams showing on the paper.
Post picture online and share the link with us in the comments as well as the details.

You get a point for each inch away from the wall you were standing.
Each stream is half a point.

I have NO idea yet. I’ll get working on that.

This contest is open until Friday evening at 7pm Central.

Now, Ready… Aim… Fire!


  1. mandy_moo says

    Bahaha!! I love it!! Glad I could inspire you!!

  2. LOL this is so funny πŸ™‚ I wish I could participate, but my supply is decreasing as my nursling is getting older and nursing less.. I can't shoot streams lately, only drips when I manually try to express. πŸ˜‰ My nursling is going to be 29 months in 2 days though and still enjoying his boos at least 5 times a day πŸ™‚

  3. That is the funniest and most creative idea I have ever heard!! LOL!!! Wish I could participate, but like Jami above, I too am down to drips.

  4. I hope we can get some women to participate, it will be so much fun I think! Send lactating women you know our direction to come play, thanks!

  5. The absolutely hilarious thing is?? I haven't nursed in 2 and a half years…but I can still squirt milk out of my boobs. πŸ™‚ I might not be nursing but I can SO do this!! lol

  6. Kjen, go for it! I'm going to do it and I can't enter. Sounds like fun anyway, lol!

  7. Rebekah Costello says

    Aww, I wish I could do this one! Bet I could've won, back in the old days (no shit, I could squirt a good 4ft!).

  8. That's an awful lot of setup and measuring for a mama with a young enough nursling to be a contender!

    Hmm, I might be able to pull it off in the shower…less cleanup that way, too! But is it wide enough, is the question…

  9. LOL!! I'm laughing just at the thought of that!! I am still nurding my 3rd child who is 14months and I am about as flat as a pancake! I remember thought with my first child I used to squirt my little brother from across the room! It was funny!

    I can't do that now though =(. My boobs have had the life sucked out of them! lol

  10. scarredbutlucky says

    Next time DS takes a nice long nap I'll enter =)

  11. strollerfreak says

    I am so all over this…though I don't have construction paper…I'll have to get some, or something…LOL

  12. LOL this is awesome.

  13. strollerfreak says



    LeakyB@@b, if you want to contact me I can friend you to see the whole set…LOL

  14. Strollerfreak, that is freakin' awesome! You're the first one to submit pictures and they are great! Love the improvisation on the paper, you can still see it so that's perfect.

    I laughed out loud looking through your pictures and now my kids are totally confused. Looking over my shoulder they asked why there was tissue on the wall and if somebody tried to pee on it. ROFLMBO! They didn't get it when I tried to explain the contest to them.

    So far, you're winning!

  15. lifehappensnaturally says

    wait, does this end next Friday? lol

  16. Elisabeth says

    That's hilarious! But even when I was nursing, I never would have been able to squirt.

  17. It was supposed to be until tonight but we've extended it to next Wednesday, the 28th, 11.59pm. You've got time! Give it a go, I can't wait to see what entries we get.

  18. strollerfreak says

    LOL…DH asked the other night "What is all over the wall in the bathroom." Ooops! forgot to clean up my mess…busted!

    (BWAHAHAHA, my confirmation word is MOOMER

  19. ROFL! That is an AWESOME confirmation word! So, I'm dying to know, how did you explain the mess to DH?

    Yay StaceyM, thanks for submitting!

  20. strollerfreak says

    I showed him this blog…LOL. He just smiled and shook his head and said, "You ARE going to clean up your mess, right?" Which at that point had already cleaned it up. πŸ™‚

  21. That is funny! I love it, he must think we're all nuts.

    Maybe we are…

    But it sure is fun!

  22. I could have been a contender! We weaned a few months ago, and it's been a few months before that that I would have been able to participate. Sounds like fun!