There are many philosophies and theories in parenting but the application of these ideas varies greatly in their manifestations. The reality isn’t always what we expect and as parents we have to make adjustments along the way. Taking time to explore our own aims and desires for our parenting journey is important, shaping how we apply whatever philosophy feel right for our family and moving from an idea to intentional steps in reaching those goals. Sharing that exploration with others on the parenting journey can help provide us with more tools for the path and open our minds to consider other approaches we may have thought we understood and dismissed prior to engaging in conversations with other parents only to discover that our definition was too narrow.
Jamie Grumet from I Am Not the Babysitter and Beco Baby Carrier share about moving from philosophy to reality in our parenting. Exploring developing attachments with our children, babywearing, discussing attachment parenting, Jamie opens up with The Leaky Boob community, getting real about what it’s really like as an attachment parent and encouraging families.
You can find the chat threads full of information here:
What is attachment parenting? What’s your parenting style?
Babywearing, bonding, and breastfeeding in a carrier
Adjustments of parenting: finding time for your partner, yourself, and other interests
What our children can teach us
Whatever parenting style label you feel fits you, one thing is sure: when you have very young children, a baby carrier is an incredibly helpful tool in your parenting tool box. Which is why Beco is giving away another Soleil ($130 value) as part of today’s chat. Act fast, it’s a super quick giveaway and we don’t want anyone to miss out! To be entered for your chance to win, simply use the widget below. Good luck!
Reaffirmed our natural instincts on attachment parenting…we were doing all of these things already, didn’t know there was a name for it!
Ohhhh, I have been drooling over this carrier – I especially love the latest pics you posted of Sugarbaby in it. I would love to have one!
I really would lovee thiss carrier, all I have is an old uncomfortable ring sling and can’t afford a new one 🙁
Baby carrying saved my sanity and helped me bond with my very fussy, colicky baby. She’s 10 months now and need to upgrade to a Beco Soleil!
I love Beco and The Leaky B@@b!!
What a great giveaway! Thank you!
We love to baby wear!
i cant quite label my parenting…. attached but allowing of my older son’s bid for independence?
I especially resonate with the “not just saying ‘no’ but explaining why… getting down to the nitty gritty with your kids will help them understand and not feel like they are left out.
I love being able to throw on a sling and shop with my baby. Having a usually napping 6 month old and two free hands in the supermarket makes everything smoother, we do use the stroller on occasion, but I wear the little man much more frequently, the convenience can’t be beat.
I love attachment parenting! All of my family is super oldschool (formula feeding, cry it out, etc) and always pressuring me to parent differently. My little man us seven months old and almost always wants to be held – which makes it hard to get much done around the house. I would love the opportunity to do some babywearingas I would be able to accomplish so much more! Being a single mother puts a lot of stress on me as is, but when I’m not able to get things done, it really adds to that! I can’t imagine just letting my little man cry because I am trying to do stuff – that just seems selfish. Having a carrier would make life SO much easier!
Baby #3 is on the way, and the old Beco (used 5 years) is fraying 🙁 A new one would be appreciated!
I was really encouraged to have my husband wear our son more, and for me to try breastfeeding in the carrier more often… it takes a little adjusting and i always just dont do it! Thanks for the features!
AP “tools not rules” Totally agree with this!
I would love to try the side carry on a Soleil!!
Baby wearing was one of the best discoveries I made with our son 🙂 thanks beco for a great product!
babywearing takes breastfeeding to-go!
We love our carrier for our 9mo old!
This is an awesome giveaway! And I’m looking forward to hearing what Jamie has to say. I always liked that cover.
I love being able to wear my 2.5month old, especially when I have to take her and my 2.5year old somewhere by myself. Which, as a military spouse, happens frequently! It’s wonderful to be able to have both hands free and let my elder child have some freedom.
I learned that no matter how many children you have, attachment parenting is possible. I also learned how awesome the Beco carriers are for moms that are trying to find balance between ages while giving the the attention they need.
“The best parents are those without children”
I had lots of ideas before having a baby that quickly went out the window after he actually arrived!
I love how everyone’s parenting style is different. Even within AP everyone has a different take on how it is defined. I hope that everyone will realize there is no set “right” way to parent, just follow what feels right to you. You are the best judge of what is right for your child(ren).
When my husband was deployed last year, I held my son a LOT. I learned he wanted to be right next to me. I wish I had gotten a Baby wear sooner! Now that my next one is coming up, I can’t wait to baby wear my baby and at the same time meet my toddler’s needs. It’ll be really handy when my husband has to work for the army and when we should be moving sometime the baby’s 1st year….possibly overseas. Thanks goodness for baby wear!
Pinned the giveaway.
I want one so I can give it to my husband!
I appreciated learning how others nurse while babywearing.
Thanks for the contest!
I loved Jamie’s definition of AP looking different for each family and basically just being in touch with your child’s needs.
I love how babywearing allows me to be close to my guy at all times, and in turn be more aware of all his cues!
This would be awesome for me and my babes. Thank you for the chance to win.
I believe a baby carrier is a helpful tool to have when you have very young children or grandchildren. Some places just are not stroller friendly. I would rather have my baby close to me so that they never feel insecure and always feel that I am there for him. I hope to get a carrier soon to wear my baby boy more comfortable in this heat where I live.
I like Jamie’s reminder to recognise your own family’s uniqueness, and parent accordingly. Also to be part of a good support system.
love that I got more information regarding attachment parenting!
It’s always nice to read from other parents who face the same challenges and be reminded I’m not alone…and what I deal with is normal!
Totally agree! I wish more people spent time researching what works for them, rather than judge others for their choices.
Love all the giveaways and great info and support for BF. BF is truly a wonderful experience I wish every mother could enjoy!
I liked the information on baby carrying; I’m due with my son in Sept. and plan to baby wear as much as possible!!
With so much conflicting information and recommendations out there for parents, it’s nice to hear someone recommend to just do what is right for you, and only you will be able to figure that out.
I’m inspired to keep on babywearing!
Babywearing is my favorite part of attachment parenting. I get to bond with my lo while being able to accomplish things at the same time. It’s a win/win!
Shared on Pinterest!
I love attachment parenting and am so happy I discovered it before I had my daughter. I would have always parented with my instincts but I love that I found a community of like-minded parents!
It’s incredibly encouraging to see so many parents out there with similar ideas on baby wearing and co-sleeping.
Expecting my 3rd baby in a couple months and will be doing a lot of baby wearing! I’ve had my eye on the Beco Soleil and am very excited that you are giving us a chance to win one! Thank you!
Loved the info on babywearing, I’m still relatively new to it and am soaking up all the info I can!
Attachment parenting – though this may be the name of the parenting style I see it as just following instincts.
I love carriers, they help me get work done and snuggle with my little one. We both win and we are both happy. I don’t have to feel guilty about doing housework while she sits (or lays) idly by perhaps being upset… She gets a little nap and I get to stay close to her!
baby wearing is a great way to bond and soothe a child at the same time.
I love wearing baby for closeness and easy naps
i hesitate to say that i ascribe to any parenting method. i like to draw what works for me from everything i learn about.
I would love to win a Beco for my 10 week old!
We went in to parenting just ready to do what worked for our family and adapt as needed. Has worked wonderfully for the first year. Hopefully this phisolphy works from here on out!
Love Becos!
I love attachment parenting. I never realized I was an AP mom until I read about it, & literally screamed, “THAT”S ME!!”
I feel more encouraged after todays chat about parenting with my heart. People keep saying I’m spoiling my son by wearing or holding hin so much but I know nothing could be further from the truth.
The idea to take a bath every night, even for 5 minutes, is the fantastic idea!
I like the reminder that different things work for different families, and that’s okay!
Just reading all the other AP parents’ experiences is so refreshing. It helps to read that other people are going through a similar journey to me and makes me feel like I’m part of a community. Thanks for hosting the live chat!
Looking forward to baby wearing with #2!
That is so true that we have to make adjustments as parents along the way! We learn as we go.
Attachment parenting is what felt natural to me before I knew it had a name.
I never knew/realized that carrying your baby was a big part of ap, I just figured it was always something parents did. (Practically, I don’t always like / want to wheel a stroller everywhere, I like holding my kids! )
I think attachement parenting just goes with what is natural. If you think about it you carry the baby for 9 months you can expect that just to stop at birth! I catch myself wondering why she likes to be worn so much but Hello she was “worn” for 9 months..thats what is natural to her!!
I shared on pinterest at
I love attachment parenting! It’s something I have done with all 4 of my boys, but didn’t realize so till my last one (who is 4 months old).
At about 6 weeks old we found out my daughter had acid reflux and had a severe anxiety issue. We couldn’t leave the house without her screaming the WHOLE time or even have people over! The only thing that seemed to help was being worn. I had a bjorn that she hated so I barrowed a wrap from a friend(which I had to give back). So this carrier would be appreciated and needed! Thanks!
would love a carrier! I have a ring sling and it is ok but at 9 months baby B is outgrowing it and it is dificult to carry him on my back in it
I love Beco and the leakyboob. Breastfed my daughter until she was almost 11 months old. Unfortunately I did EVERYTHING possible to keep up my milk, working full time just hurt my supply. I love baby carrying my daughter and she does too. Our bond is so strong 🙂
attachment parenting is awesome,…. listen to your baby!
It took me a while with my first to realize that I was about half way attachment parenting without trying to. With baby #2 on the way I have learned from baby #1 and honestly don’t care what my family or anyone else has to say about how I raise her. Contrary to some people’s comments, I will not need to go to kindergarten with her to nurse her (she weaned at just shy of 2 yrs on her own) and it took her a while but she runs off and plays on her own at the playground and gets around just fine. I Momma’s got to do what a Momma feels she needs to do.
Attachement parenting has brought us closer as a family, it molds us everyday. Never does a day go by that I think about doing anything differently, from bfing to wearing, to cosleeping. I love all of it!
Love the soleil and I love carrying my babies. Hope this giveaway is applicable to Canadians??
I am planning to babywear and I support attachment parenting. This is my first child in 13 years and I want to do it differently this time. I am excited about babywearing and having him with me, close… I ‘d love this carrier!
Would love to have one of these for our little one! Currently have a wahm meitei that’s over 8 yrs old so something new and easier to use would be nice.
Hope hope that a Canadian can win…
It reaffirmed my ever-changing ideas on parenting and that with baby #5, I want to be closer to it (don’t know sex) and spend more time with the baby. Babywearing not only allows this, but will also help me handle my other kids better and spend more constructive time with them.
i’m in love with the Soleil
Didn’t know what AP was till LO was about 6 months or so. We just did what came natural for us and that just so happened to be what a lot of the AP concepts are made up of. Now that I know more about it it is nice to know about a whole community of parents that share similar parenting styles. Would love a Beco. Was never able to afford a nice carrier and this would be a great blessing.
I am expecting my first and would love this carrier!
I’ve been wanting to try this carrier, as I love my Gemini, but my babe has outgrown it 🙁 great giveaway!!
I would love a new baby carrier! Love reading your posts!
I love babywearing! I love the closeness to my little ones and how it has saved my sanity on many occasions allowing me to wear/snuggle both a tired baby and cranky toddler. I’d love to try the soleil.
I love baby wearing! I am a mother of 3. I have teenager and 2 nurslings under 2yo. And am in need of a better carrier, my back is killing me. Thanks for the opp!
Oops sent too soon. Guess that’s what I get for posting on a phone. It would be nice so that I can hopefully bond with my newbie while spending time and having hands free for my 3.5yr
I love babywearing & my baby loves babywearing!
We could really use and love on the Soleil as our carrier was bought second-hand and isn’t a great brand to begin with – an upgrade would be SO nice!
I need to remember to be patient!
Love attachment parenting, hard as it can be sometimes. What helps is that it’s so instinctual! Thanks for the giveaway, too!
Great post and giveaway!
I learned so much about attachment parenting today, so thank you. I realized I need to worry less about what people say to me about it or think and just do what I know is right for my babies!
Pinned giveaway:
We love AP. Our 7 month old is never sat down. If I’m not wearing him big sister is <3 They have a special bond and I feel will be best friends for life.
Lots of great topics were covered today! It is SO encouraging to see other mamas (and papas!) who agree with a lot of our parenting thoughts. One of the most beneficial topics talked about was how to balance everything. I often feel selfish when I take “me” time but it was great to see so many people encouraging and promoting that “me ” time!
that loving, holding, carrying, and doing what is instinctual with my baby, is okay… before i found this community of mothers i just thought i was being a paranoid over protective mom who spoiled her infant because i met his needs before he would cry.
Our first baby is on the way. Would love this carrier for our baby!
I loved reading about how she handled the controversy of the Time cover. I can only imagine it felt alone. That magazine cover has been around my house since it came out. It got caught by my vaccum and was looking tattered so I was going to throw it out and my DS said “No I like it ” 🙂 he wass a bfing 2.5 year old 🙂
I found that most of us came to attachment parent by nature and not reading about it in a book. I also really enjoyed the thread on finding time for everything. It seems that everyone struggles with this and there were some good ideas about caring for yourself and your family.
Would love to have this carrier for our little one expected to join us this September!
I loved how Jamie talked about AP looking different for every family vi have friends who are AP, but all of our families are different.
It reaffirmed to me that what I’m doing is right for my baby and my family. Breastfeeding, baby wearing, and being responsive work for all of us.
I think babywearing is an amazing part of attachment parenting that I’m so glad we discovered, but really, I think love is the most important thing… it’s what makes a parent great!
I love the bonding aspect of babywearing, but I also like that I can get so much done with a baby strapped to my back!
I pinned the giveaway:
I really enjoyed the discussion on the myths of AP, especially where Jaime pointed out that AP doesn’t mean having a rigid set of rules or parenting the same from infancy to adulthood–but rather approaching parenting with a set of tools and allowing your methods to evolve with your child.
Love babywearing and Beco!
My son does not sit still very well for long periods of time so baby wearing is a must for me. He gets to move around and I can use my hands!
It’s difficult sometimes figuring out what works. With my first, my focus was on feeding and getting bfding to work, if even only part time. The second time around I am trying to give baby wearing a decent shot…The idea of double strolling everywear is not appealing.
Babywearing was a lifesaver in the early days and still makes everything easier, especially in our urban setting. Better for babies, better for mama!
It’s a hard balance – you want your child to be independent, yet you don’t want them always “needing” you. I think you need to follow your child’s ques… i have twins, and one was more attached to mommy, and couldn’t leave me. At 3 she wasn’t ready to leave me yet. Rather than forcing her to be ready, we waited another 6 months to start preschool. by following her needs, it made her more confident and secure. Her 1st day of school she went running in… that was a proud moment for me – I knew I had done the right thing in waiting.
Love this carrier! I don’t necessarily consider my style as 100% attachment parenting but I do like most of it 🙂
It re-affirmed that I’m doing what is best for my kids and my family, no matter what anyone else says 🙂
I am enjoying being a new follower of this blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win a carrier, I’d love it!
I loved reading that AP is different for every family & that you should go with your gut do what works for your family. It reminded me that even though we may get criticized for some of our (AP) choices we really are doing the right thing.
today’s chat helped me see that the natural things like no cio and babywearing are what’s best for our family. we cosleep which helps everyone get a good night sleep. i know that i’m not alone in my parenting style and that’s awesome.
Have always instinctively followed attachment parenting. It’s nice to see so many others who do so as well! I have REALLY been wanting the Soleil… Such a great “new” carrier!
I hope I win the baby carrier!! Beco makes a great baby carrier! Also, thanks to the Leaky Boob for all the great breastfeeding advice and tips!
love love love it!!! i love baby wearing!
I would love a new carrier, as mine is getting loved a bit too much. (plus, it’s my birthday, and it would be a sweet birthday present)
We’re expecting baby number two and it would be great to have a Beco!
I love babywearing! I am amazed at how calm my baby is after I take him out of the carrier (I am borrowing my friends butterfly 2 for my 4.5 month old). Its like he feels secured, loved, and at peace. 🙂
I just love seeing other moms with similar natural parenting views!
I’d love to try one 🙂
It was great to hear my own philosophies exalted.
Oh, would loooooove one of these!!
Two kids in and the nursing while babywearing still baffles me.
I most enjoyed all the info about babywearing. Such an amazing thing for mom and baby.
I love wearing my baby! Now that she’s 6mths I would like a carrier a little more sturdy than my k’tan for longer wearing.
It’s been great getting to see folks that comiserate with the challenges one can face from others, and gracious ways to handle them. It’s also good to see everyone’s tips and experiences with assorted methods. There’s too many specifics to list them all!
Love the bond that baby wearing has helped enhance. When I lent my Gemini to a friend to try, I realized how much I rely on my carrier everyday. Not having it made me miss it so much!
The Rafflecopter said to post this in the comments:
My friends think I’m crazy for baby wearing, using cloth rtc. This just reaffirmed what were doing as parents is part of natural instinct, copying a parenting style from a book seems so forced and too much work, but my kids are happy and healthy so more power to all the other AP parents 😉
My little guy is easily overwhelmed in crowded places and having him in a carrier really helps keep him calm. He has safety and security and I have freedom of movement.
While I LOVE wearing my baby as much as the rest of y’all, isn’t there something to be said for letting her roam around and discover things independently? My little one likes to be in my arms, but she needs time to use her legs to get her around.
Hi Robley, you’re absolutely right! I don’t think babywearing means not letting your little one have time down. Personally, I choose to follow my baby’s cues, when she wants to be down, down she goes and when she wants to be worn, up she goes. No set rules, babywearing is just a tool to be used as required. Every baby and every family is different, flexibility is key! ~Jessica
Loved wearing my kids as babies in the Butterfly…..would love to upgrade to the Soleil & keep carrying my now 13 month old!
I loved reading all the different ways pepole make babywearing work for them! For me, after 6 children I have still not gotten good at nursing in a carrier… sling I can do, but not carrier!
Having 2 under 2 = another carrier would be great! My Gemini has been invaluable for my older guy, especially to go hiking. 🙂
It’s really nice to be reaffirmed in my parenting decisions. Baby #2 will be arriving next month, and I’d love to try the Soleil!
Would love for the new squish soon on his/her way! <3 we got into babywearing later with our son and would love to get started immediately with baby#2!
I like Jamie’s comment about using the attachment parenting “style” or any other style as a set of suggestions or tools, rather than a strict doctrine of rules. We all need to develop our own style, but these resources can help us understand the successes and failures of others who have come before us. Thanks for the giveaway offer!
By wearing my baby I am doing him a great service, as well as the older 3. While wearing him I have both hands free to interact with my older girls and take care of their needs.
Babywearing is a great way to bond with baby. I am an OT and developmentally we are seeing babies being sensory deprived from being in car seat buckets all day staring at the ceiling. This leads to a variety of musculoskeletal and developmental issues. Babywearing is great for mom and baby!
“Tools not rules.” Great reminder!
I’m really excited to try nursing while baby wearing with baby#2 – when that time comes!
Love Love wearing my baby! I just do not ever want to put him down! Good carriers mean my arms get a rest 🙂
I pinned the giveaway on pinterest!
It is so nice to read these discussions and realize that hey! Other people are doing the same thing you are! It is just encouraging to keep going. Lets face it, parenting can be a challenge sometimes; especially when ‘experts’ are telling you what you’re doing with your children is wrong (let them cry it out, teach them self soothe, don’t hold them too much, don’t let them sleep in your bed, etc.) and to know your not alone in the fight to raise the best children you can is an uplifting thought.
Also I would love to win a new carrier! We have one that was given to us used but it is VERY uncomfortable and we can’t afford a new better one! I was a young single mom to my first child and didn’t have a carrier and now with my second who is 2 months old I am grateful for even our little very used carrier because even though it so uncomfortable to me I can tell she likes it even if she’s cranky she almost instantly calms down and falls asleep when I wear her :).
I loved the chatter about how it doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing when it comes to attachment parenting. It was very supportive about following your gut and doing what works for you. I breastfeed my 20 month old, she’s still rear facing, still likes to be worn, we don’t CIO and we co-sleep part of the night, but we also do most of the vaccines (not all).
shared the giveaway on facebook too
babywearing all the time might not be right for every family, but it’s right for this family 🙂
I’m so excited to babywear our little bundle when s/he comes in August. We also live in NYC so babywearing is the perfect way to commute with baby! I’ve had my eye on the Beco Soleil too… looks amazing!
I need one of these really bad! I have been using my sling up Baby is getting to big. She is now 7 months old.
People have made fun of me “wearing” my baby all the time! The leaky boob always inspires me to ignore “them” and do what feels natural to me! Hope I win! Could use a more cushiony carrier…my beco butterfly cuts into my babies thighs after a while!
You can’t hold a baby too much! They find security in physical loving touch! Baby wearers unite and raise babies who know they are loved and secure! Wear on!
beco is my FAVORITE baby carrier….best ever!
I have a 5-week old and would love to wear him in a Beco! With a 5-year old autistic son also, the more hands I have free, the better! 🙂
This was recommended to me
You don’t have to label your parenting style…. Just do what comes naturally… Treat others (children) the way you want to be treated!
I’m a new breastfeeding mom and would love to use and promote your product as well as bond with my little angel
My sweet girl is 2 months old and would LOVE to be carried around in a Soleil this summer!
looks lovely….
I like that you don’t have to fit into a mold. You can take the different parenting aspects and pull it together to what fits your child and family. Thanks for the chance to win. I would love to try the Beco!!
Shared on Pinterest:
I would love to win this carrier!
My family has always been very cookie cutter. When I talk to my parents about cosleeping and breastfeeding, they look at me like I have three heads! Both of my kids were born at The Birth Center in Wilmington, DE, which was way too “scary” for the family to handle. 2 natural labors later I think they are starting to realize that it doesn’t have to be hospitals, meds, and formula.
I love support sites like this for spreading the word for us “black sheep” out there! Thank you.
As a new SAHM I’d love a carrier to help me snuggle with my baby and still be able to get things done.
All about attachment parenting!
I’m inspired to use my Beco Butterfly more often with my 2.5 year old. I’d love to try the hip carry with the Soleil- especially with my 10 month old.
Beco makes great carriers. I’d love to try the new Soliel!
Love wearing my babes! I don’t think the house would ever get clean otherwise. 🙂
I love that AP can bend with the circumstances. I try to explain the approach as a “do what feels kind and right for the situation, it’s not a set of rules, it’s a set of guides to help you figure out what will work!” My approach to parenting has changed *so* many times and is still AP. My children are growing up secure and loved, no matter where we are in the world!
Thanks for running a great giveaway!
literally drooled on my 3 mo old, lol. love!
I enjoyed being reminded that other moms have babies that like to nurse and be held 24/7. That this is natural and normal.
Oh this is an exciting giveaway!
Just that “attachment parenting” is and should be common sense. It’s a basic instinct that we, society, ignore.
My baby girl loves to be held close. This would be great!
I love “Tools not rules” – take what works for your family, adjust when needed.
I <3 babywearing and my Beco!
A Beco helped tremendously when I had my daughter when my son was 20 months old! She’s 13 months now and I still use it! It’s an older model and this Soleil sure looks nice!
I love being able to wear my kiddo – sad now that he doesn’t want to be worn and is outgrowing most of my carriers!
I fell in love with Beco when we got out Butterfly II a year ago and I was so sad it was discontinued…but, I never got the hang of nursing in it bc of the internal sling and my large chest. Fingers crossed that we get to try it in a new Soleil soon! 🙂
I guess there are somethings I didn’t realize were considered “AP.” I think as long as you do what works for your family it doesn’t need to be labeled really. I’m all for baby wearing!
Glad to know so many other parents are raising their children in loving attached homes!
Its great knowing other moms don’t just wear their babies for the closeness, but also the convenience! Its the best of both worlds 🙂
I get some odd looks and comments from my family but it reaffirmed my parenting on instinct.
AP is common sense parenting. I can’t imagine being any other way. I’ve been critiqued , made fun of and even lost a good friend over the way I parent but I can’t look at my children and imagine doing it any different.
Beco makes such wonderful carriers!
I don’t have a carrier, so I don’t “babywear” However, I never really have Logan out of my arms, and boy are they getting tired.
I have never liked titles. I learned I am not the only one who falls naturally into the “attachment parenting” title just by doing what comes natural and feels best for us.
I found encouragement in my AP approach to parenting, it’s so hard to find!! So many people in my life parent so differently than I do, it was like a warm welcome hug to hear about others using AP.
OMG- This is my dream carrier!! Thank you for the opportunity to win it. Motherhood is such a blessing. My 2 month old got his first shots today and his little leg was hurting this afternoon and it had me in tears. I just wanted to hold him close and make it all better. That is a mama’s job! 🙂 that is why I love the idea of a carrier- keeping your little one close.
Attachment Parenting isn’t about rules that must be followed, it is about tools that help to secure an attachment with your child. I consider myself somewhat of a follower of AP but I really just follow my instincts and treat her with respect and consideration.
I love that they spoke up about changing and tuning your parenting style based on what each individual child needs. I only have one kid so far, but I think that’ an important part of raising more than one child.
I always end up feeling flustered and tongue-tied, especially around one (childless) family friend. “This is what works for our family” is going to be my new mantra!
Love my gemini for my 8 month old! Would love to try the new soleil!
I love this site. You encourage women.
ifonly i could b so llucky
Would L-O-V-E to win this . . . The more I wear my baby, the more ‘addicted’ to wearing my baby I become 😛 She loves it and I love it. Win-win!
The thing I loved from the chat was the, “tools not rules”. All our children are unique and the way we parent them will be different, but I really like that these things like AP are tools to help us not rules for how we have to parent them.
I loved the thought that attachment parenting is a tool not a rule for how to parent.
Confirmed my instincts towards attachment parenting. Also didnt know what it was called….neither did my mum as she raised us….she had no modelling, but learned how to parent by looking at lots of nature programs. I nursed my DD in the carrier..but liked learning how others do. Excited to try new ways with my DS once he’s born
I always find it interesting to learn about what others think of AP. I’m pretty sure I always would have parented this way, even if I didn’t know it was a parenting “style.” I’m so thankful for the education on cosleeping though because medical professionals so often practically threaten to call cps if you don’t keep your baby in a crib.
Tools but not rules! They are little individuals, after all!
It is encouraging to learn more ways to form bonds with your child.
I love reading about all the other mommies and the similar experiences that we all share! Breastfeeding is awesome and mommies all need support in answering questions about it!!!
Would love to try a Beco… missed the talk 🙁
We love wearing our babies! So awesome! Shared on FB