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Breastfeeding When You Are Sick

Breastfeeding When You Are Sick

theleakyb@@b2 min read

by Shari Criso, RN, CNM, IBCLC This post made possible by the support of EvenFlo Feeding [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFYB_paJVmw&w=600&h=338 ]   When it comes to breastfeeding, one of the myths that drives…

Fitness and Breastfeeding

Fitness and Breastfeeding

theleakyb@@b4 min read

Can you safely exercise while breastfeeding? Will it effect your milk? What about watching what you eat? Star Rodriguez, IBCLC, looks at 3 common myths associated with breastfeeding and fitness, showing that you CAN take care of your health and your baby’s.

Breastfeeding: a Piece of the Larger Puzzle

Breastfeeding: a Piece of the Larger Puzzle

theleakyb@@b5 min read

Our parenting choices are all a piece of a larger puzzle. We know that the things we do for our children whether they’re newborns, toddlers, in elementary school or teenagers has an effect on them in the future. If it didn’t, why would we bother?

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