I’m babymooning. Sugarbaby and I are doing very well, now 12 days postpartum. I’ve been trying very hard to take it easy and respect this postpartum time for myself and it has been paying off. Over the last almost 2 weeks I’ve been simply enjoying my baby, my family, and resting. Cherishing this newborn time that goes too fast has been my priority.
I wanted to share some observations I’ve made during my babymoon, maybe you can relate and I’m sure you can add some of your own.
You know you’re the mom of a breastfeeding newborn when…
- You finally get to take a shower and within 10 minute of getting out you already have leaked milk all over your clean shirt.
- As much as you like the longer, thicker hair you grew during pregnancy, hacking it off with a dull pair of scissors is starting to sound like a good plan between the frequency of showers you get, the death-like grip of a tiny handful of hair your baby is capable of, cleaning spit up out of it several times a day, and the nagging fear of a hair tourniquet.
- You wonder why you didn’t invest in more yoga pants and are certain you will never wear blue jeans again.
- Your favorite food is: “anything someone else made.”
- Any time someone hugs you any way but with a side hug you wince.
- The old adage “never wake a sleeping baby” doesn’t apply when your boobs are rock hard boulders crushing your chest. Yes, you will wake your baby for some relief.
- You wish you had jedi powers for every time you forget to grab a drink of water before you sit down to breastfeed… again.
- “Sleep when baby sleeps” seems like a good plan but you wonder when you’d get to pee or brush your teeth or eat. Then you realize that sleep trumps everything else and decide you’ll pee, brush your teeth, and eat while holding your baby.
- Something seems really funny and you laugh hysterically only to forget what was so funny 5 minutes later.
- Shirts are “clean” unless the smell is too bad or there is obvious spit-up or poop on them, dried milk leaks don’t count as “dirty.”
- The stash of reusable breastpads that seemed so impressive before giving birth is used up in one day after your milk comes in.
- You’d rather sniff your baby’s head snuggled on your chest than even your favorite flower any day.
The Leakies on The Leaky Boob Facebook page had plenty more here and I hope you’ll add your own in the comments below. Now back to my baby head sniffing!