A Crunchy Mama Giveaway

Ashley and Katie are stay at home Moms in a small town just outside of Salem, Oregon.  Together they started a little business making organic beauty and wellness products they call, Crunchy Mamas.  They produce cleverly named products such as Menth Head, Smelly Face, Nipstick, and Achy Breaky.  Their mission is to provide you with chemical free alternatives to commercial products.  They avoid everything artificial:  NO dyes, NO GMO’s, NO fragrances, and NO preservatives.  Their love for all things organic is what excited them about the opportunity to sponsor TLB.  After all, what is more natural than leaky boobs?

 Read on to get to know the goofy ladies behind Crunchy Mamas and enter to win one of four awesome prizes!


TLB:  What should TLB readers know about Crunchy Mamas?

Katie:  Crunchy Mamas was born one year ago to two stay at home Moms that prefer a more natural and simple approach to life.  This business started out with a batch of 50 lip balms and now it has expanded beyond our expectations.  We hope that we can help raise awareness about the dangers of commercial products and help people feel confident about the products they are using for their families.  But please know, we aren’t perfect.  We have been known to drink Diet Pepsi and eat Little Caesar’s while making batches of Crusty Foot!

TLB:  How did this venture into handmade organic products start?

Katie:  Having kids changed everything.  Not only was I responsible for myself, but I was in charge of two little humans and they depended on me to make the best choices possible on their behalf.  I began learning about dangerous chemicals in various commercial household products and that really fired me up.  I promptly packed up my baby shampoos, deodorants, toothpastes, and household cleaners and tossed them in the trash.  This led to me researching essential oils and various recipes for homemade goods.  It is very empowering to know exactly what the ingredients are that I’m using on my babies and why they are beneficial.  You can get to know us better by reading our blog post on our mission to be Crunchy.

TLB:  What is it like, working together with your sister-in-law?

Ashley:  Let’s be honest, I feel like a fraud calling it “work.”  Katie is one of my best friends and I have so much fun getting to do this with her.  We both have different weaknesses that are made up for by our different strengths.  I’m in the running for the most impatient person on the planet, where Katie could sit contently and watch paint dry.  This adventure is enjoyable because we are getting to do it together.

TLB:  How do you balance work and family life?

Ashley:  Most importantly, I try not to separate my family from my work.  My kids play a big role in Crunchy Mamas.  They help me label products (this explains why you may receive a bottle of hand sanitizer with the label upside down), pack up boxes, and keep me company when we sell our products at our local farmers market.  I love that they are getting to see how much hard work and care goes into operating a small business.  Also, my husband helps with whatever he can.  In fact, he and Katie’s husband are appropriately referred to as the “Crunchy MAN-mas.”  We couldn’t do it without their tremendous amount of support!

TLB:  What is your favorite breastfeeding tip?

Ashley:  Oh boy, how do I pick just one?  Breastfeeding was very difficult for me in the beginning, so I’d like to target all the newbies with this tidbit of advice.  DON’T GIVE UP!  No one ever told me that breastfeeding could be painful, uncomfortable, and bloody.  I had a 9 pound baby with a really strong sucker.  I tell ya, that kid could have sucked a nail right out of a wall.  (It was this experience that prompted me to start making Nipstick.)  Fortunately, in the moment, I had cheerleaders around me encouraging me not to give up.  They assured me it would get better and it did.  If you’re new to nursing and are on the verge of reaching for that bottle, please don’t give up and seek a strong support system if you don’t already have one.

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Ashley and Katie are giving away four different prizes to four lucky Leakies.  The prizes are:

1.  An expecting Mamas gift set.  One tube of our pregnant belly relief – About to Pop.  A tube of our Baby Butt Balm.  Lastly, a tube of our fabulous nursing nipple relief – Nipstick.  Retail Value:  $25

2.  One of each of our amazing Lip Balms.  Flavors included are: Naked, Grapefruit, Honey lemon, Sweet Orange, Lime, and Mint.  Retail Value:  $18

3.  A bottle of our all in one facial moisturizer – Smelly Face.  Retail Value:  $19

4.  A collection of products perfectly suited for your all-natural first aid kit.  One tube of our cuts and scrapes healer –  Scab Stick.  A tube of our all natural vapor rub – Menth Head.  Finally, a bottle of our Lavender-Lemon Hand Sanitizer.  Retail Value:  $15


Currently Leakies can find these and other all-natural wellness products on the Crunchy Mamas website, www.crunchymamasgoods.com.


Good luck to everyone!  Please use the widget below to be entered.  The giveaway is open from April 29, 2013 through May 6, 2013.  A big thanks to Ashley and Katie and Crunchy Mamas for their ongoing support of TLB and all breastfeeding women; please be sure to visit their Facebook page and thank them for their support of TLB and this giveaway opportunity.

This giveaway is restricted to U.S. residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This looks like a great company! I’d love to try their moisturizer or the first aid products.

  2. Catherine Sutton says

    Crunchy Mama’s ROCK!!

  3. Melanie L says

    I want to try EVERYTHING! 🙂

  4. Love these gals, love their products, and what they stand for <3

  5. I love your giveaways! 😀

  6. kelly Hawley says

    I love these girls. And their amazing products. They have inspired me to go natural, and I feel better than I have in years

  7. Angee Doering says

    Please enter me in the giveaway! Thanks!

  8. This looks awesome. I shared this with a few mommy friends

  9. Holly Hockman says

    Love their stuff!

  10. Donna Smith says

    I have to say I’m in no need of the nip stick, butt balm nor about to pop. Although I know of plenty of ladies that are “about to pop”.
    How ever I personally use at least 4 Crunchy Mamas products everyday and LOVE them. I’m looking forward to see how effective the bug off works. I have it, I just haven’t had the chance to use it. I would also like the try the scab stick. I would also like to add that I enjoy watching these girls grow…it’s been really fun, and I will continue to support their products 100%!! I just realized I actually use at least 6 items..:) Nobody’s Business is the bomb!!

  11. Christina says

    love the great product names! I want to try their scab stick.

  12. The lip balm sounds awesome.

  13. Elizabeth says

    Hmmmm, I am most surprised to see so many flavors of lip balm, that’s awesome. I’d be very interested in trying the facial moisturizer.

  14. I would love to try the Nipstick. Getting ready to breastfeed #3 and hoping this time it works out longer.

  15. Melanie Myers says

    Definitely the Nipstick. It looks very intriguing, and as I’m planning on breastfeeding, I’d be very interested to try it.

  16. I’d be most interested in trying out the facial moisturizer. My face is always dry and flaky!

  17. I’m excited to try the scab stick! I love the idea of this type of product in stick form. All other natural healing items I’ve tried have meen messy ointment/tin combinations.

  18. The Nipstick!

  19. The scab stick and Menth Head look great!

  20. Amy Wakeman says

    I want to check out the Nipstick and Baby Butt Balm!

  21. This is awesome! Thanks for making great products.

  22. Shayna Dimmick says

    I’m the most surprised that Crunchy Mama offers Nobody’s Business. It sounds so fun, and I can’t wait to get my hands on some!

  23. Christine Bailey says

    I most want to try the nipstick, I’m a new nursing mother and in the beginning had a rough time as well, 4 months later we are still going strong and hope we can go as long as possible. I do still on occasion have pain though, and my nipples get really dry, so nipstick would be nice. But the other products all sound awesome too!

  24. I am most interested in the first aid kit!

  25. Lucinda Avis says

    I’d love to try the hand sanitizer!

  26. Sierra eskra says

    I love that they have the nipstick in a tube! I had thought about putting coconut oil in a lipstick tube for the diaper bag but its getting too hot and it would be melted lol! I hope I win one!!

  27. I’m very curious about Menth Head! I could really use some RIGHT NOW! I’m pregnant and have been stuffy for more than a week. Hope I win something. Love, Michelle

  28. I want to try the face moisturizer most. my fave is always so sensitive that it’s hard tutu fund a decent moisturizer, especially one that didn’t smell like chemicals.

  29. Lindsay Hamilton says

    I love the variety of practical products that they offer, it’s amazing how they have expanded so quickly! I would love to try menth head especially. 🙂

  30. The scab stick seems awesome and would be perfect for my toddler and husband! All are Awesome products though!

  31. The scab stick seems awesome and would be perfect for my toddler and husband! All are Awesome products though!

  32. Looking forward to trying the baby butt balm!

  33. I would like to try the “menth head”

  34. Rachel Silvernail says

    Crusty Foot! I spend most of my time barefoot, even outside, and as a result my feet are like sandpaper.

  35. Would love to try the first aid kit stuff!

  36. Amanda M. says

    I am most surprised and interested in the toilet spray! I hate the chemical laden sprays available currently and would love something to make the bathroom smell lovely!

  37. I would love to try the lip balm, I’m always on the hunt for a good one!

  38. I’d love to try out the lip balm!

  39. I was most surprised to see the hand sanitizer! I hope I win!

  40. I’d really like to try their sanitizer. We don’t normally use antibacterial things but it’s nice to have something in the diaper bag for when regular hand washing just isn’t an option.

  41. I want to try the crusty foot balm!!! Lol.

  42. I would love to try the first aid ones! They’d be perfect for my family!

  43. Scab Stick

  44. the vapor rub!

  45. I think I’m the most surprised and interested in the hand sanitizer. If love for a less-harsh way to keep myself germ free

  46. Krista Green says

    I’m most interested in the belly relief, About to Pop.

  47. I’m super interested in trying out the Scab Stick, because, well, I have two boys and we deal with a lot of scabs! I also have an unhealthy attachment to lip balm…

  48. Jenny Travis says

    I have been on a mission to find natural hand sanitizer since my sons birth. My son had lung issues and surgery all before he turned 6 weeks. Anyone who’s had a child spend time in the hospital knows how important sanitation is. Unfortunately it’s hard to instill this in my ” crunchy” parenting friends. Consequently I believe my son has gotten ill from this lack of understanding to his condition and the need to be vigilant with cleanliness.
    It’s difficult to be natural and still believe in modern medicine but we’re doing it the best we can!

  49. Jessica Hughes says

    I’m a sucker for a good lip balm. I’d also love to try the nipstick!

  50. I’m intrigued by the Scab Stick! I’ve never heard of such a thing among other natural/organic product lines.

  51. I would love to try the mint lip balm and hand sanitizer.

  52. Misty Williams says

    I’m interested in trying the scab stick..my LO is all boy 🙂 I think its awesome that we are going more and more to organics.

  53. I am interested in trying the NipStick…always nice to have things like that around when you’re nursing…

  54. I’m surprised to see a natural sanitizer given how we’ve stepped away from them for being so laden with chemicals. It’s the product I’m most excited about trying.

  55. I’m really excited about all the products! I’d love to try them! I’m esp interested in the lip balms. 🙂

  56. I want to try the bug off 🙂

  57. love to try “smelly face”

  58. Megan Grant says

    I am really excited to try their Scab Stick. As a mother of two boys, we have our fair share of scrapes and scabs and something to aid in healing would be fantastic! I am also excited about the Lavender-Lemon Hand Sanitizer, it sounds heavenly!

  59. I love natural and safe/ free from harsh chemical products. So glad to see that there is others out there!! I would love to win any of your products! 🙂

  60. Im looking forward to trying the “about to pop” cream. Thanks for the opportunity

  61. Shelley-campbell@hotmail.com says

    I am so excited about the face cream! I can never find any that works for my face!

  62. I have a 3 year old with a Band Aid fetish these days! I would love to try the Scab Stick! All of the products sound wonderful though!

  63. I’m 23 weeks along with our third boy in 4 years and going to grad school full time, so I could really use some mama pampering!

  64. I’m excited about the lip balms

  65. I would love to try the Scab Stick. I bet it’s awesome!

  66. Nip stick and scab stick look awesome (really, everything does!). I’m heading over to check everything out 🙂

  67. I would love to try the natural first aid kit! I’m always looking for more natural healing products for my family!

  68. Mrs Ransome says

    The Nipstick is the most surprising, mainly because of the name. Love it!

  69. Christina Howell says

    I’m excited about the expecting mama’s gift set. I am pregnant right now and these products look great.

  70. I would love some crusty foot to get rid of mine…

  71. Wondering if their products (especially the nip stick) are gluten-free?

  72. Angela Yeremenko says

    I would like to try the lip balms.

  73. Diane Shideler says

    I’d love to win these awesome products. I find myself becoming more and more crunchy the longer I am a mom!

  74. Marie Iles says

    I would love to try their bug off spray!

  75. courtney k says

    i would be very interested in trying ‘about to pop’

  76. Melissa G. says

    These products all look great… but I have yet to use an all natural facial moisturizer. That would be a nice prize! But I could use it all!

  77. Julia Miller says

    Ooh, the nipstick and the scab stick sound really neat!

  78. Crystal H says

    I would love to try all the product’s but especially the nipstick and Menth head

  79. Excited to try the facial moisturizer. Was recently looking up DIY natural options, so this would mean less work for me! 🙂

  80. Ellen Bratzel says

    I am most suprised by / excited by the Scab Stick. My kids would love that! With 5 of them we see a lot of scraped knees and such!

  81. I’m most excited for Nipstick mostly because I LOVE the name of it!!

  82. I am happy to see the Nipstick! What a fun name…haha. I had trouble in the beginning with my first child so with the next one I would love to try something new to help!

  83. Good Luck to all!

  84. I’m wondering if the Baby Butt Balm is cloth diaper safe? I bet it is better than most! Great work ladies! I love all natural, home made products!

  85. Natalie F says

    facial moisturizer – I really want to try.

  86. Kayla C. says

    Would love to try the Baby Butt Balm and the Lavender-Lemon Hand Sanitizer.

  87. The first aid kit items sound awesome! I love having more natural options!

  88. I am most excited about the lip balm. I love lip balm but can’t ever find one that I’m not allergic to. My little girl loves lip balm too!

  89. would luv to try the menth head

  90. Cristine says

    I love Boba! I bought one to carry my daughter on a trip to Mesa Verde when she was 18 months old. It was just before the 3G came out. Now I have a 3 month old and would love to have one to carry her in. The old version is good for 14 lbs + and she’s not quite there yet. I also have a Moby wrap but have heard that the Boba wrap is more lightweight and I LOVE the colors available.

  91. Christy G says

    I am most excited to try the lip balm. I am most surprised to see a first aid kit – how neat!

  92. ginger g. says

    I’d love to try the lip balms…always needing a good one!

  93. I would love to try the lip balms, but being a mom I know I would use the first aid kit well!

  94. Samantha Linke says

    Most interested in trying the hand sanitizer! I find myself using hand sani often, so I’d love to start using a natural sanitizer!

  95. Lyndsey says

    I’m most interested in Menth Head! As an Oregonian, I can appreciate that. 🙂

  96. Maggie Martin says

    I’m most surprised to see the Facial Moisturizer. It looks awesome! The scab stick looks pretty awesome too!

  97. I’m curious to try it all, but since I’m pregnant, I’m really interested in the expecting Mamas gift set. Would be able to use About to Pop right away. The first aid kit looks cool too though, and I love the name of the facial moisturizer. It looks like they have a sense of humor. I’ll definitely be checking into their products more when I get some time!

  98. I really want to try nip stick

  99. Bethanie H says

    I am definitely ordering some nipstick whether or not I win! I have another baby due in the fall, and I still cringe when I think about those painful early nursing days with my current nursling.

  100. shanmari says

    I’d like to try the Nipstick!

  101. Andrea Merrill says

    Really interested in the bug repellant So cool.

  102. Amazing Products!

  103. Lip balms

  104. I want to try the lip balm

  105. I’m super interested in the first aid kit!

  106. Armaris says

    Yummy…Lip balms!

  107. Rochelle Luaders says

    I like the first aid kit stuff. Thanks for the chance!

  108. Looks good to me!

  109. im interested in the bug off!

  110. Angelica says

    I would love to try!

  111. Bridget Palkow says

    Tha Facial moisturizer!

  112. Oooh! I really want to try Menth Head. We love vapor rub, but have been on the hunt for a natural alternative to vicks.

  113. Achy Breaky and Smelly Face sound Awesome

  114. I wish I had seen the nipstick a couple years ago when my first was born! I am really interested to try out the first aid products, particularly the Scab Stick.

  115. Danette Brown says

    Great products!

  116. Carrie Duncan says

    I am exited to try the First Aid Kit! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  117. I REALLY want to try Smelly Face as well as the Baby butt balm and nipstick! All products I use thus far are amazing!

  118. I would love to try anything and everything! Looks great!

  119. I’d love to try the menth head!

  120. I was surprised to see the hand sanitizer but would loooove to try all of the chapsticks and nipstick and butt balm!!

  121. Wow, I want to try it all! I’m MOST excited about the lip balms (always looking for a good new one) and the Nipstick!

  122. Kourtney Graham-Rice says

    We only use safe and natural products in our home, and these look like they would fit right in!

  123. The expecting Mamas gift set!

  124. The first aid kit! But really everything looks great.

  125. Elizabeth Crabtree says

    It all seems wonderful, but I am most interested in the items in the first aid kit. Especially the scab rub.

  126. Stephanie Armstrong says

    I need a good shampoo!! All the crunchy ones I’ve tried have been a little lacking

  127. So happy to hear about Mom’s success stories! Looking forward to supporting such a great company <3

  128. Angelica Marie says

    I would love to try the moisturizer and hand sanitizer 🙂

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