BabyTime Giveaway!

TLB: How did you come to start your company Kim?

Kim: I am a second-generation skin care expert from the Epicuren family, who couldn’t find skin care products for my babies that met my professional standards for quality and care for the environment – so, I created her own with the help of several moms and dads.


TLB: What’s the inspiration and significance of the name?

Kim: epi: skin/surroundings

sen: from the word sentient and the idea of being a thoughtful being

cial: from the word beneficial

put it together and the idea is make thoughtful choices about your surroundings that benefit your health


Babytime! Is all about treasuring the moments between parent and child, whether it be washing them in the tub, changing a diaper or giving them a massage before bed!


TLB: What’s your personal favorite BabyTime Episencial product and why?

Kim: Playful Wash! It is the #1organic baby wash used in hospitals and it reminds me that more and more babies are being bathed safely than ever before.


TLB: What is your favorite newborn care tip?

Kim: Skin to Skin contact between mom and baby is so important – it helps build the relationship as well as the healthy microflora on skin surface. That plus breastmilk is what will best protect babies from infection and allergies.

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Probiotic Kit: $25

Just like our bellies, skin needs both good and bad bacteria to flourish. The probiotics in our formulas ensure that baby skin is balanced and healthy with good bacteria. In addition to probiotics, these formulas contain immune-boosting ingredients like neem oil and raspberry butter for optimal skin health. Includes: Soothing Cream & Cheeky Salve.

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3 Step-System: $30

The perfect starter kit – makes a great gift for new moms and growing families. Each product is carefully formulated with safe, organic and effective ingredients designed to promote baby skin health. Keep baby’s skin as healthy and pure as it was on day one with this Babytime! best seller set! Includes: Playful Wash, Soothing Cream and Sunny Sunscreen.

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Outdoor Adventure Kit: $25

Enjoy the outdoors with the entire family! Be prepared for pesky bugs, fun in the sun, and muddy hands too. Whether you are camping, hiking, swimming or in the back yard this is the kit that has what you need to protect you and your family from nature’s challenges!! Soothing Cream, Sunny Sunscreen, Mighty Shield, 3 Playful Wash Samples

This giveaway open to USA residents only. Please use the widget below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Cassandra Eastman says

    How much they peed, it seems like I was either feeding my son or changing his diaper!

  2. Alison F. says

    I want a 3 step system! 🙂

  3. Love love the leakyboob! Cant wait to try these products on my bubby!

  4. Jackie F says

    I’ve got a week and a half old at home right now–I had forgotten how fast their skin can dry out!

  5. Stephanie Armstrong says

    How much I could actually get done with a toddler and a newborn:)

  6. I was surprised by how much of a fight little ones can put up when you’re trying to wash/dress/diaper them.

  7. The most surprising part of caring for a newborn was how delicate they seem but newbies are still hearty. I felt like I was handling a porcelain dolly when holding my newbies for the first time, and was SOS upraised at how so NOT like porcelain dollies they were like! Their skin was SOS oft and perfect…I’m not sure why I expected them to not weigh so much and be so full of life? Maybe because in pictures they are always sleeping…I am not sure. But they are awesome. 🙂

  8. What surprised me most was how much I was not caring for myself. My newborn required so much attention and care that I forgot about me..

  9. How easily just water could dry out my l.o. Skin!

  10. Jessie Rae says

    I wish this stuff was out when my darter was little. I still can’t wait to try it out:)

  11. Andrea Merrill says

    What surprised me most was how different each one is. I have 5 babies. My newest is 4 months old. Every single one of my children has been different, and you have to “learn” everything all over again, because the things that you thought you knew, or were perfect at might not work for the new one. Also the things that were difficult before might be easy this time.

  12. Awesome to hear about such great products! These sounds perfect for our family- thank you for sharing!

  13. Excited to see these products! Where I live, we have a community lake and like to go walking. A lot of these products look perfect for us!

  14. Lynn Nadeau says

    I was surprised at how much my din grunted and sounded like a goat!

  15. I was particularly superised to learn about the ”good bacteria” needed on babies shin. I thought that was only for their digestion

  16. sarah smith says

    How easy the first few weeks really are. All they do is sleep and eat. 🙂

  17. I was incredibly surprised that I could survive on so little sleep!!

  18. I was surprised at how little they really need.

  19. Looking forward to trying these products on DO!

  20. How long it took him to nurse. He would nurse for over an hour most times and then be at it again an hour and a half after finishing. I spent the first two months doing nothing but nursing.

  21. Would love to give them a try <3

  22. Hayley Elliott says

    The thing that surprised me the most was how much breastfed babies poop….or maybe just my baby. I definitely change more poopie diapers in a day than pee diapers. Sometimes I call him Mr. PoopsALot. 🙂

  23. I would love any of them, they all look great.

  24. Not much surprised me when caring for my newborn. I was a mom to be who researched everything and everything . The one thing I learned to do was to trust my natural instincts when it came to being mommy and not be pushed by advice from family friends and doctors.

  25. I was surprised at how many different choices I would be faced with on how to raise my child and how many different views there are on the same thing– cosleeping, nursing to sleep, pacifiers, vaccines, skin care, vit supplements, sleep training …etc. It’s all so overwhelming I just want what’s best for my baby!

  26. PattiAnnIam says

    I am surprised at how easily their skin dries out and how sensitive it is to EVERYTHING. Haven’t found a product yet that he doesn’t break out from! I even have to wash his clothes with water and baking soda and rinse very thoroughly! Hand wash everything!

  27. How it wasn’t as hard as I had prepared myself for.

  28. I was surprised at how many unwanted suggestions I got, as if everyone was all of a sudden the mother of the year. Loving every precious moment we can with our little guy.

  29. Brenna Smith says

    How much they slept as a newborn. I was told things would be so hard but all mine did was sleep for the first 3 months.

  30. Surprises about a newborn? That my six week old daughter could not only stay awake for six hours, but could cry for 95% of it. Colic/reflux/what-have-you really sucked! But she was still cute and adorable despite that, which may have been the even more surprising part.

  31. The thing that surprised me the most was how much I was willing to give up anything and everything for that precious little baby.

  32. How. much they actually the first few weeks. I wasn’t as sleep deprived as.I had!!

  33. anne perry says

    I was surprised that I didn’t need all of the stuff people told me to register for. All I needed was my breasts, cloth diapers, a baby carrier.

  34. How he pooped every time I fed him!

  35. Sabrina Radke says

    I was really surprised how often they sleep, way more than even a tired mama lol!

  36. Gretchen Bysiewski says

    Great information!

    Thank you!

  37. How tiny they and how dry their skin gets. Now that my son is older and can communicate a liitle bit more (14 mo) I am amazed how we figured out so much when he was first born!

  38. Jenni L. says

    I was surprised at how much personality my newborn already had. 🙂

  39. I was suprised how often she nursed. I thought it would be every few hours… It was more like every 30 min! Also, how little newborns need to be bathed! Se go a real bath about once a week.

  40. Ashley C. says

    How fierce and immediate the bond between us was.

  41. The first poops are nothing like i thought they would be!

  42. I was surprised at the number of times there was poop in his diaper! Lol

  43. Elizabeth says

    I was surprised that this amazing being was just days ago inside me! I was also surprised how natural caring for him was!

  44. How much they poop in the beginning.

  45. I would love to try these products. With an almost 3 year old and a new one due any day, I know they would all come in handy!

  46. Kristi p says

    I forgot how many times a day you have to change a newborn. I feel like she is wet again immediately after I change her and if I don’t change her quickly she gets a rash.

  47. Danielle says

    I work as an L&D and mother/baby nurse and have for five years now. Nothing surprises me much about babies. I do know many parents are surprised by how quickly and intensely they love their babies.

  48. I was surprised at how fast they change as they learn to trust you.

  49. I was surprised by how much they slept for the first month!

  50. Patricia says

    What surprised me the most is how with zero to little sleep I literally turned
    Into a zombie my husband as well.. I remember asking him to bring me the baby
    He brought me a pillow holding it like the baby! Lack of sleep is brutal!

  51. I expected our baby to be a bit sensitive to certain products, but I was really surprised at how many ‘natural’ products we tried that she still reacted to!

  52. Jess Roby says

    What surprised me most about both of my kiddo’s is how wind takes their little breath away.

  53. How exhausting it can be and how everything revolved around them.

  54. What surprised me most about having a newborn was how much effort I had to put into regulating his temperature! Keeping him warm, but not overheating him was harder then expected. I never knew what to dress him in! Luckily he started gaining weight and storing baby fat (born at exactly 36 weeks), so it didn’t last long!

  55. All the laundry!

  56. Jenn McClearn says

    I was very surprised about EBF poop, how many times they went, what it looked like and how much it leaked!

  57. I was surprised how excited I would get when my newborn would do anything new: track something with his eyes, make a noise, move his hand, lift his head, it was all so new!

  58. I was surprised when we had our first explosive diaper! I never imagined so much could come out of such a little body!

  59. Alexandra Pitcher says

    How far I could go on no sleep. My son fed every hour and I never seemed to get any sleep!

  60. How calm he became when I held him or baby carried him.

  61. I was surprised by how automatic our routine became, and how much my husband didn’t realize I was doing… when he tried to take a turn at our bedtime routine, he forgot or didn’t do half (or more) of what I was doing!

  62. Jaime Smith says

    How what everything that everyone told me didn’t work, I hd to find what worked with our family and stick to that no matter what everyone else said especially with sleeping. We co slept and still do!

  63. Most surprising thing was the fact was that my son could explode newborn poo three feet across the room. I knew they could shoot pee, but I wasn’t ready for the cannon fire of poo.

  64. Amanda Bennett says

    How little sleep I could function with. How much I could love. How sweet every moment in life truly is. What an awesome gift motherhood is.

  65. Jeanette Godby says

    My first child is on the way now but when my first nephew was born (I cared for him often) I was amazed a how long it took to feed him. A bottle would take an hour or more at least. So excited to try breast feeding.

  66. sara swanson says

    The colic…I didn’t realize how hard that would be

  67. Carrie Martinet says

    I was surprised by the hardness of the gums! Toothless chomps really hurt!!

  68. Christina p says

    I was surprised how natural being a mommy was and also how sensitive their bellies and skin are. i have been giving my baby massages and probiotics since he was born because he has a sensitive belly and skin. the Step 3 system and probiotic system both sound amazing.

  69. Being a ftm everything about a newborn is suprising. First poop was a little suprising…

  70. Sarah Hayes says

    that was too long ago for me to remember what i was surprised about

  71. Heather Mihalovits says

    with my first child he had a crib With this baby I decided to bed-share with her, I was surprised how easy it was to sleep with her in my bed and how much more sleep I got!

  72. What surprised me most was how quickly I took to it. I never thought I’d have kids, but once I had Boober in my arms it all just fell into place.

  73. Christine says

    How with twins it seemed like you were constantly starting the rotation over and over again. Although I swear my twins were easier as babies then my singleton

  74. I was,and still am with number 3, surprised with how much milk and fuzz and various other things get caught in their creases and rolls!

  75. What surprised me the most is how fast I got used to being up most of the night with my son as well as how easy it was to get into a routine.

  76. How often they actually nurse versus how much you are told they will need to nurse lol

  77. With #3 due next month, I’m mostly surprised by how much easier newborns are than toddlers and preschoolers. I wasted so much time being paranoid when #1 wasn’t even mobile yet – I can’t help but think how much more productive I could have been.

  78. Michele R. says

    I was surprised that no book, website, magazine or anything I had read had prepared me for the little guy I was now mother to. He broke all the “rules” I broke all the “rules” and we managed not to kill each other. Nothing I read actually prepared me because he was not those kids. Now he is 4 and I’m having another boy in September and although I’ve been through the process once before, I am positive this one will be absolutely different as well.

  79. Rebecca Peters says

    How much I had to breastfeed, there was hardly ANY downtime. She was always on the boob!

  80. Elizabeth Gee says

    What suprissed me the most was all the baby folds hidding muckie. 🙂

  81. everything was so new & surprising to me at first!! i was surprised that i didn’t necessarily just know immediately what i was doing, & also how much i did know innately was surprising too! 😀 i was surprised as well at how hard breastfeeding was for us at first, and so grateful for all the loving support that helped us succeed! thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  82. I was surprised how much formula was pushed on us. I mean it was really really bad.

  83. Not sure if I am doing this right…

  84. christine k. says

    I was surprised the most by how hard it was to stay awake to feed at night. This was with my first child, so I was scared to cosleep or bedshare because of all the horror stories. The second time around (as in 16 days ago!) I started bedsharing from day 1 and it’s been SOOOOOO much easier on EVERYONE

  85. christine k. says
  86. How sleep deprivation can do crazy things to the way you think and how you just get used to being tired.

  87. How much they used the bathroom! It seemed like I was constantly changing diapers!

  88. Pinned the giveway on pinterest:

  89. It is surprising how many diapers they go through in a day.

  90. Mine was early so everything surprised me.

  91. I was surprised at how well she slept in her bassinet beside me.

  92. Megan Grant says

    What DIDN”T surprise me about caring for a newborn!? I was surprised by how much they nursed, slept, peed, pooped…pretty much everything! I was also surprised that they weren’t nearly as fragile as i expected (I was so afraid of changing, bathing…anything!).

  93. I was surprised by how small newborns really are and how often they eat.

  94. I was surprised by how much newborns sleep. I seemed to be constantly watching my babies sleep after they were born.

  95. how often you need to change their and your clothes!

  96. Kayla C. says

    Breastfed baby poop!

  97. The skin sensitivities surprised me along with how much she really did poop!

  98. I’m not sure that much outright surprised me, but I didn’t expect breastfeeding to start off to quite that rocky a start, nor did I think I’d be as sleep deprived as I was.

  99. Talia B. says

    They do not stop nursing!

  100. Talia B. says
  101. I was surprised by the bizarre results of sleep deprivation. I would partially wake to the baby crying and be convinced that I was holding him, even though he was still in the bassinet next to me. It’s actually kind of scary!

  102. Jennifer says

    I was surprised by my son not even fitting in nb clothing at birth. and by the number of rolls one tiny human could have! 🙂

  103. Carly Lydic says

    Everything! His umbilical cord and Circumcision were my main worries though.

  104. christy i says

    I know this may sound dumb… But it surprised me just how much attention and care they needed.

  105. christy i says
  106. How natural it came to me. As soon as she got here it just clicked.

  107. Brittny Burbano says

    I was surprised at how much a teeny little baby can eat, nursing on demand was a 24 hour job for those first few weeks.

  108. The lack of sleep even at 12 months is pretty surprising!

  109. Life with a new baby and a toddler, is super busy especially when you’re going to college at the same time. 🙂 wouldn’t trade it for anything though <3

  110. After 2 yrs wih my very independent daughter it was surprising all over again that my son REALLY could not hold his head up. lol
    I wonder what will surprise me this time after another two year gap.

  111. Heidi Daily says

    I was surprised how well I could function with so little sleep!

  112. Andrea Traves says

    I hadn’t really been around babies before I had mine, so I was surprised by how much she slept at the beginning! Lol If she wasn’t nursing, she was sleeping…or both 🙂

  113. Rebecca w says

    I didn’t realize how often I would need to nurse my daughter during the night

  114. I’d love a system!!

  115. How easy it was to forget to shower, do my hair & put make up on!

  116. What surprised me most was how much time it took to feed him! It was my whole life at the time, of course, but I wasn’t prepared for that!

  117. Meghan Finley says


  118. I would love to try these products!

  119. I was surprised how peely my baby was when he was a newborn.

  120. TaiLeah Madill says

    How time consuming it is. So worth it, but the smallest things take so much longer.

  121. Emilie H. says

    I was surprised at how quickly their skin heals. If she got a scratch, it was gone the next day. amazing!

  122. Lily Ivey says

    I didn’t expect breastfeeding to be so hard.

  123. How good they smell. 🙂 mmmmm

  124. brittani says

    feeding my 5 day old baby makes me so happy!

  125. That I would never have both my hands free ever again!

  126. Amanda E. says

    I was and am amazed at how much milk I make and how leaky and messy breastfeeding can be. So worth it!! The bond between my little man and me is so strong because of it.

  127. I was surprised how stinky-milk-necked he got, and how hard it was to get in there to clean out the gunk! (Also surprised how much I miss that gross smell now that he’s almost a toddler.)

  128. I didn’t expect breastfeeding would be such a challenge, and that I would actually stick with it.

  129. Catherine B says

    With my first I was surprised when I realized that because of the baby we now had a curfew (we couldn’t afford a sitter back then)

  130. Catherine B says

    I shared the giveaway on Pinterest

  131. I was surprised at how little care he actually took. I had heard stories of moms who couldn’t take a spare second to do anything around the house or for themselves with an infant, but it wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be. My son needed food, clean diapers, cuddles, and sleep, and if he wasn’t deprived of these, I could shower, cook food, and get many other things done around the house!

  132. Samantha Rodebaugh says

    Lets see its been so long since my dd was a newb i think the most surprising thing was how hard she could suck! Poor latch coupled with her monsterously strong pull my nipples cracked within the first 12 hours and those were caverns by the time i left the hospital! thank god for nipple shields they allowed me to bf my baby for three months before i gave up 🙁

  133. Stephanie says

    How difficult cradle cap was to get rid of.

  134. Kristen Andrew says

    I don’t know, not much really. I’m the oldest of 9 kids so I’d pretty much seen it all already. 🙂

  135. How much I love cloth diapering!

  136. I had no idea I could love that much. Recovering from a CS, not having slept for days, I still couldn’t close my eyes for fear that I would miss something wonderful.

  137. Stevie Harshman says

    I was surprised by how itty bitty my little guy was

  138. I was surprised that scissors actually feel safer than clippers on his little nails!

  139. Stevie Harshman says
  140. That I didn’t know everything about newborns and especially breastfeeding…even after being a newborn nurse for so many years!

  141. Halya Lenard says

    I am really interested in these products!

  142. I think what surprised me the most was how a little tiny thing like a newborn can feel so heavy and leave so many aching muscles at the end of the day. The sleep deprivation and emotions weren’t as bad as I thought they would be!

  143. here’s my post on Tumblr

  144. How completely all-consuming it is!

  145. Hayley Elliott says
  146. I was surprised by just how much I love her. I know that people say that you will love your child more than you can possibly imagine, and I believed them, but that heart-wrenching pull of love that I have (even now at almost a year old) took my breath away.

  147. How much time I would spend nursing!

  148. Nicole brown says

    I didn’t realize how hard it would be to find good safe healthy products for babies

  149. Mandie O says

    With my 3rd it was how different he was from the first 2

  150. I was shocked at how much of my own laundry needed to be done. I expected to be doing a lot of baby laundry, but I did not anticipate how messy I would get. I also underestimated how much a breast could leak while feeding on the opposite side. Good grief.

  151. How much poo comes out of a breast fed baby! Holy moley! Lol

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