Snugabell giveaway

Being a mom herself, Snugabell’s Wendy Bell is all about supporting moms.  Designing products that help moms reach their breastfeeding goals with a flair for style, Wendy is a sincere supporter not just of breastfeeding but also of the moms and babies it matters to.  I’m privileged to call Wendy my friend and excited to have her share more about her company, her breastfeeding journey, and extend her support to all TLB readers.


TLB:  Hi Wendy, I always love when we get to feature Snugabell and your brilliant PumpEase line here on TLB.  You’ve supported TLB for a while now and have seen first hand through your support of Best For Babes, TLB and virtual breastfeeding support, how moms can come together and the difference mom-to-mom support can make.  What are some of your favorite examples of mom-to-mom support?

Wendy:  I have to confess that I am a little bit envious of the support that moms have online today.  I had a few issues breastfeeding my daughters (nothing major, but it was worrisome nonetheless) and thus reached out to my GP and a dietician at my local health unit, and also scoured the internet for hours on end, however all I found was conflicting (mis)information.  Those were the days before Facebook and Twitter.  Heck, I hadn’t even heard of back then.  I felt alone and frustrated.  So this is an example of what potentially can happen without mom-to-mom support, how far we’ve come and what a huge impact it has today for a mom to ‘hear’, “Oh that happened to me too when my DD was that age.  It’s just a nursing strike”.  That feeling that you’re not alone in your breastfeeding journey, especially for first-time moms, is extremely powerful.

TLB:  What kind of support did you have in your breastfeeding journey?  Did you have someone or someones that were instrumental in providing support for you?

Wendy:  My GP is very pro-breastfeeding.  I remember telling him that I was going to add cereal to my first daughter’s bottle (of pumped breastmilk) to help her sleep longer at night (yup, I didn’t know any better – I was listening to the aunts and grandmas!) and he pretty much told me NOT to do that.  The nurse at his office was so encouraging too.  When I brought my eldest daughter in for her first post-delivery check-up, she weighed her and proceeded to give me major kudos on her weight gain.  It made me feel so proud as I had no idea what I was doing (or so I thought).  My family were all very supportive as well; no one was freaked out by a nursing mama; it was all good!  I didn’t feel super confident nursing in public (like in a mall) however, as I didn’t know about baby wearing either back then and therefore was trying to use a receiving blanket.  I know I would have worn my baby had I been better informed.  (In fact, for a few years after DD#2 was born and I had already started Snugabell and learned so much, I often told my husband that I wished I could have another baby if only to put into practice all this amazing new information!)

TLB:  You have a couple of new products as part of this giveaway; could you tell us about them and how these products help support moms in their breastfeeding journey?

Wendy:  Our ‘Through a Child’s Eyes’’colouring book was designed to help further normalize breastfeeding and pumping and to discover the beauty of breastfeeding!  The warm, inviting drawings and likable characters make it easy to answer curious qustions and keep little hands busy while teaching helpful lessons.  I love colouring with my girls and hope other moms do too!  You can even design your own PumpEase and share it on our Facebook wall!

Our fabulous new, all-purpose, reusable PumpEase Wet Bag is designed to transport all brands of breast pump personal kits (bottles, flanges and tubes) ‘incognito’.  It features a snap-loop handle and looks so cute decked out in matching PumpEase prints that no one will ever guess what’s inside.  Lined with waterproof PUL (you cloth-diapering mamas know what that is!  For those that don’t, it stands for Polyurethane Laminate and is a compound fabric made by laminating fabric to a thin film of polyurethane, thus creating a water barrier), you will find plenty of uses for it even after you’ve hung up your pump flanges – diaper changes on-the-go, keeping electronics safe at the pool, potty training, snacks, travel, cosmetics and much, much more!

TLB:  How does Snugabell actively cultivate mom-to-mom support?  How can Leakies connect with Snugabell and what will they find for support with you?

Wendy:  When we first hired the amazing Amy West to manage our Facebook and Twitter, she asked me what my goal was for those spaces.  I told her I wanted to build a community; it had NOTHING to do with sales.  Amy (CLC) and Hillary (studying to be a doula and still nursing her 21-month old son) co-manage our social media now and I (CLE) jump in when I can.  We provide evidence-based information, support, encourage support from our community and refer to an IBCLC as appropriate.  Gosh, sometimes a mom just needs an ear!

I am super-duper proud of the fantastic communities that we have cultivated in both arenas and am continually inspired by the conversations that happen there.  Leakies can find us on Twitter @PumpEase and @snugabell (that’s me) as well as on our Snugabell Facebook page.  Be sure to say “Hi!” and that you are visiting from The Leaky Boob!  🙂

TLB:  Thank you so much for supporting TLB and your generous giveaway providing support to these moms.  What would you encourage moms to consider in offering mom-to-mom support?  Any tips for finding and giving such support?

Wendy: I believe the key is to refrain from judging other moms’ choices or circumstances that led them to (believe they) had no choice.  I was there.  Again, if I were to have my first baby tomorrow, I would change a LOT.  This is what keeps my judgy pants off and my compassion glasses on.  We’re all in this together (creating the next generation that is), so let’s lift mamas up rather than beat them down.  We’re all doing the best that we can with the knowledge that we have.  And if I were looking for support today, I would turn to the internet, no question.


Wendy’s children

Wendy is giving away one PumpEase Prize Pack featuring:

  1. PumpEase hands-free pumping bra  Retail Value: $38.00
  2. Matching PumpEase Wet Bag  Retail Value: $14.00
  3. Through a Child’s Eyes – Colouring Book  Retail Value: $12.00

Total Value: $64.00 USD


Currently Leakies can find these and other maternity, nursing and hands-free pumping products on the website.


Good luck to everyone!  Please use the widget below to be entered.  The giveaway is open from May 24, 2013 through May 30, 2013.  A big thanks to Wendy and Snugabell for their ongoing support of TLB and all breastfeeding women; please be sure to visit their Facebook page, follow Wendy on Twitter and follow PumpEase on Twitter and thank them for their support of TLB and this giveaway opportunity.

Snugabell will ship worldwide.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Really GREAT IBCLCs! And a super-duper, wonderfully supportive husband!

  2. Victoria Loaiza says

    My husband, friend Connie and my mom. Though my mom only breastfed me for 3 months and even though my husband has never breastfed lol they both alone with my friend encouraged me a lot in the beginning when all I wanted to do was give up. I’m so glad I listened to them and stuck with it. My husband just kept reminding me what an amazing gift I was giving our son, my mom kept telling me she believed I could do anything and my friend Connie kept reassuring me that the soreness would end. They were all right. I loved breastfeeding and was actually sad when my son decided on his own that he was done two weeks after he turned 1.

  3. Jennifer Skibins says

    Exclusively Pumping group and Modern Tribal Mommas, both on FB.

  4. I don’t feel I had enough support for breast feeding. We had a 7 week stay in the nicu and the dietician tried to push fortifier concentrate and formula and the nurses complained I was letting her feed too long and constantly tube feeding her instead to save her energy, all the while she was fussing anyways so no energy was conserved. Reading some of the blogs I do and talking to moms I’ve met since I had my daughter, the next time I have a baby I feel I will have the strength to stand up to these people and hopefully with the help of a lactation consultant I’ll be able to bring my next baby home as a breast fed baby.
    Thank god for the pump ease though! Adament that she only have breast milk I have to pump quite a bit, it makes my day go by easier being able to pump while I get work done and bottle feed my daughter

  5. Emilie H. says

    Probably the initial lactation nurses in the hospital, my friends who had already successfully nursed their kids, and definitely my husband, who kept me company in the beginning weeks and fed me water when my hands were full of a floppy baby!

  6. Jessica Hughes says

    Honestly? Myself. I’ve always regretted giving up trying to breastfeed my son (now 3-years-old.) As hard as it s, I’m determined to breastfeed my one-week-old daughter until she decides otherwise!

  7. Rachel williams says

    my husband and mother

  8. an online community of a group of moms that all have babies born at the same time as mine. due date groups rock!

  9. sherry moore says

    My husband is my biggest supporter : )

  10. Anna Parks says

    LLL has been a great support and resource for me.

  11. Grace White says

    My mom was my support in my breastfeeding journey

  12. Jenny Mercieca says

    My husband has been my hugest supporter.

  13. Jessica Abbott says

    My husband has definitely been my biggest support. If it wasn’t for him idk how I would have made it as far as I have and as I far as I have set my goal.

  14. katherine d says

    my mother has been my best supporter!

  15. A lactation consultant, TLB and the Kelly mom site. I don’t have any support at home. My husband thinks the baby does not gain enough weight and always wants to bottle feed her. It’s hectic but I’m hanging in there.

  16. Amy Menzies says

    The Web and your blog. I found it extremely helpful to educate myself and not listen to what others said (as I found a lot of people are anti-breastfeeding)

  17. Amy L. Norman says

    There is a great resource on Facebook called “Knox Breastfriends” which is a private group for lactating mothers in the Knoxville, TN area. They helped quite a bit during those rough first months of exclusive pumping. I was able to pump for 11+ months and almost made it to a year.

  18. Stephanie Manley says

    Couldn’t have made it to my breast feeding goal without the support of my husband <3 He has been my biggest supporter!

  19. My best support was the breastfeeding support group at my birth center. Without them, I probably would have given up!

  20. Ashley C. says

    The hospital where I’ve delivered my children has a twice weekly breastfeeding support group. There are IBCLCs there and you can do pre and post feeding weights. It’s an amazing gift available and an excellent source of support and oftentimes a real sanity saver!

  21. Andrea R says

    My husband has been the best support since I had my daughter. He’s kept me from freaking out about weight gain, encouraged me, fed me, calmed me, and told me how proud he is of me, and how hard I’ve worked. He’s been wonderful. I’m quite stubborn, though, and didn’t consider that there was any other way to feed my girl. I’m lucky that I only had clogs a couple of times, no huge issues. I fought a right-sided nursing strike by switching sides when she got sleepy, found out I have excess lipase and started scalding my milk (although I can’t bring myself to dump the bad milk in the freezer…hubby will do it, and now I’m dealing with teeth. He’s still championing me, every step of the way.

  22. Andrea M says

    My biggest supporter has been my husband.

  23. Christy G says

    My husband has been my greatest support with breastfeeding <3

  24. Melissa A says

    My best source of support in person is my husband! But also, I’ve found amazing support online through The Leaky B@@b, KellyMom, and other pro-BFing site.

  25. online support groups and blogs have been wonderful places to get support and advice.

  26. To be honest I didn’t have much support at all, I did a lot of it figuring it out all on my own.

  27. Amy Green says

    A couple of coworkers who breastfed and coslept were great support for me.

  28. Jenny Travis says

    My biggest support with breastfeeding has to be my husband. He has never given me guff about the things I needed to do to be successful in our breastfeeding relationship. He doesn’t complain about co-sleeping, he’s never suggested I give my son formula when times were rough, and he’s always stood up for breastfeeding when the family has insinuated that I wasn’t producing enough. He’s an incredible source of strength for me with continuing to give our son the best until he’s ready to wean.

  29. Anna Northrup says

    My best friend Sarah, mother of 7, has been my biggest support.

  30. Nicole Bear says

    I get a lot of support from other moms on a Facebook page for breastfeeding.

  31. my mom is great support. she’s the only one who is closest to me who has breastfed past a year!

  32. Marcella says

    I can totally relate! I had major breastfeeding issues with baby #1. #2 was a lot smoother, but there are still things I would change if I could. Now with a surprise baby #3 on the way, I have my chance!

  33. Judith Martinez says

    My husband has been my best supporter. There was no internet when I started breastfeeding so I had to go on instinct.

  34. Online communities like youtube has been my biggest support

  35. I was my own support and what I read online.

  36. Christy G says

    My sister!

  37. My husband has been my strongest supporter through our nursing journey.

  38. anne perry says

    La leche league and other breastfeeding mamas

  39. Amy Bailey says

    My largest support would have to be my online friends on facebook and my husband.

  40. My husband has surprisingly been my biggest breast feeding advocate and support

  41. My husband 🙂

  42. Shannon Williams says

    Online friends/moms have been my best support for breastbeeding.

  43. Shannon Williams says

    that should be *breastfeeding

  44. Claire Rheinheimer says

    Definitely my mom has been my best support- she nursed 8 children!

  45. my baby’s pediatrician

  46. Richelle says

    I would have been lost with out the La Leche League website. Not many of my friends or family members breastfed.

  47. My mom has! She nursed my brothers and supported me 100%. She is followed closely by my fiance and my online support 😀

  48. My mom! She was an LC for years and breastfed me and my 3 younger sisters.

  49. Stephanie Manley says

    Couldn’t have done it without the support of my husband <3 He was my biggest fan and was happy to get me all the refills on water and snacks in the early days when all I did was sit in my chair and nurse.

  50. Amber Ricci says

    My biggest supporter was my primary care physician. She was willing to try anything to help me with breastfeeding (although my husband did not support all the ideas).

  51. Cheryl (@loucheryl) says

    Other nursing mom’s were my support. I’m now pregnant with baby boy #2 and plan on nursing as long as he wants to!

  52. Definitely got amazing support from my LC, my husband, my mom, and Kelly Mom website!

  53. My birth with Gus went terribly. Pre-e & eventually a c-section, but I was determined to breast feed. My mother was a GODSEND. She successfully nursed all 8 of her children – sometimes tandem nursing – until they self-weaned, which for some of them was 4 or 5 years.
    She took over all the housework so all I had to do was nurse. She helped me when Gus’ tongue tie challenged his latch, she brought Chocolate Stout when I was freaking out about my supply. She told me to suck it up & stick it out when my shoulders & nipples hurt. She was fantastic!

  54. My husband and on line support

  55. My Husband has been great with all of our children. I have had cracked nipples, mastitis and heaps of trouble/pain/blood with breast feeding all of our children, we got through it together & I fed our first for 15 months (got sick & dried up) 2nd for 12 months (3 months pregnant, dried up), 3rd for 13 months (got sick & dried up) and so far number 4 is 2 and half months old & fulling breast fed.

  56. Jessie H says

    So far, I’m just using the internet to help prepare. I’m in my second trimester of my first pregnancy, and will absolutely breastfeed if at all possible because I know how important it is. I’m hoping I won’t have a lot of trouble, but you never know.

  57. my husband has been my best support for breastfeeding both my boys 🙂

  58. Anna Stallcup says

    I ended up delivering our son via c-section after 60 hours of labor and about 4 hours of sleep during that period, so needless to say, I was exhausted. My mom had read a book I had recommended to her about neurochemicals and the way they effect bonding, so she knew that nursing at the first available moment was so very important to not only our bonding, but to my healing process and mental state. However since I was so exhausted, I couldn’t even hold my baby to nurse him so she undressed me and held him to nurse for the very first time, and joy of joys, he latched wonderfully. I can still remember it, and that moment is so special to me, and I so appreciate what my mom did. There have been plenty of other things along the way, but that moment stands out.

  59. My mother and husband supported me the most. My mother breastfed me till I self weaned around age 2, she also nursed my big brother and my little sister as well. So, I was raised that breastfeeding was the best and only way to go unless there was something wrong and it was necessary to use formula. My husband has always been supportive as he was raised the same way as I was that breastfeeding was the best way to take care of LOs.

  60. My husband was my #1 supporter; that and my stubborn self. 🙂

  61. With my first I had a lactation consultant on my speed dial because I was constantly calling her. I am so glad I stuck with it.

  62. Amber Evans says

    My husband. He has been an invaluable supporter. Once he saw how much difference it made in our daughter compared to our friends and family who formula feed, he was 110% committed!

  63. The lovely community of women from my due date club.

  64. Michelle Palma Zometa says

    My biggest supporters have been my family who live far away without knowing how difficult bf my first would be without immediate support they pulled through that even the distance between us wouldn’t let me give up.

  65. My biggest supporter has been my husband. Despite struggling through a non-existent supply for nearly the first month of breastfeeding with both of my children he never wavered and worked around the clock to make sure we did everything right until my milk finally came in. He is an amazing man.

  66. My greatest supporter is first and foremost my husband. He supports everything I do without complaining. Other supporters have been my mother and sister, my in-laws, and my sisters-in-law. Everyone has been awesome.

  67. Rosemary says

    Somehow he nursed fine right away but my midwives helped. LLL was a great support. Luckily the hospital was supportive. I went on the have 5 more children and it went well. The first child is the one you have your doubts with. I took a breastfeeding class from the hospital. That was probably the best thing.

  68. sara swanson says

    Myself and the nurse that I took a bf class from before having my baby.

  69. Francesca McCaffrey says

    My biggest support was my pediatrician and not because of what she said, but because of what she didn’t say. My daughter lost quite a bit of birthweight as we struggled with inverted nipples and a bad latch. Dr. G never uttered a single discouraging word and directed me to several resources that finally helped us along. I’m proud to say that I have a VERY healthy 9 month old daughter who is still breastfed exclusively save a few dinnertable solids 🙂

  70. My husband has been my biggest support this time around!

  71. My husband has been my greatest support. When our baby was born, he took notes on how to get a good latch and helped me while I was at home recovering from a c-section. Now that I’m back at work pumping, he sets up my pump pieces every morning so I can get extra time with the baby. He never has any qualms about me breastfeeding very openly in public, and has encouraged and supported me in donating my extra milk.

  72. Alyssa v says

    my friends

  73. My little man just turned a year. I work away from home so i pump. I have had super supportive people in my life and had some great tools to help me. If you dont win the pump ease, i do highly recommend getting one today. It is worth its weight gold. I have 3 and I have been pumping for a year. My pump is first, special flanges, but my pumpease is a nessisity as well

  74. Amelia B says

    my best support has been some of my mom friends – i have a ton of them in an online community (LJ) and they’ve been a huge inspiration and moral support!

  75. I am in a due date group on Facebook and the women in that group have been a great support and have answered so many questions I’ve had. I don’t know if I would still be breastfeeding if it wasn’t for those ladies!

  76. Awesome blog and love reading the other comments from moms about their support. I am over 9 years into my breastfeeding journey and it has been an amazing part of my journey as a mother and a woman. 🙂 I had very little support initally, I was the first woman in my family to successfully breastfeed in many,many generations.. no one living has succeeded before me.. but now both my sister and I have successfully nursed our children 🙂 My oldest nursed over 4 years old, including through pregnancy and tandem nursing when her little brother was born, and then he also went on to nurse through pregnancy and tandem with his little sister until weaning shortly after turning 4 as well. My littlest is 19 months and going strong. 🙂 In the beginning, my biggest support was my husband and a few online friends, and through the years I have built an amazing support network through friends, and LLL and online communities 🙂

  77., The Leaky B@@b, The Badass Breastfeeder, and my sheer stubbornness. 🙂

  78. We don’t have a kid yet. But my mother-in-law is going to be my biggest supporter.

  79. My husband has been my biggest supporter.

  80. Anna L. EldenBrady says

    I got a lot of good support from my midwife team as well as from family and from a few gals at church who were completely in my corner. I got an unexpected bit of support from an older gentleman at church who said that back in his day, women would just nurse in the pews and that’s how it ought to be. I love that he said that and his timing was perfect. I have also sought support from a group at the community medical centre and from folks at both The Leaky Boob and The Badass Breastfeeder facebook pages.

  81. Katie Pitcher says

    My husband, my friend Hannah, and of course, The Leaky B@@b!

  82. What Nicole said above!

  83. Christina Howell says

    Lactation consultants. I took a breastfeeding class while I was pregnant and then saw a lactation consultant twice after my first baby was born just so I would feel comfortable and learn as much as I could about breastfeeding from experts.

  84. Racheal Hoezee says

    I have to say breastfeeding is one if the hardest things I have ever tried. I didn’t breastfeed our first, our second child only nursed for 7 weeks, and now with our third we are still nursing at 13 weeks. Since going back to work fulltime I have found great support from my co workers. I work 12 hour shifts in a Emergency Department and my co workers never have a problem with me having to step away to pump. It has made this transition alot easier than I expected.

  85. I’ve been looking at investing in a pumpease for a while now! I think now is the time!

  86. I find that my mother was my biggest support not only with breastfeeding but with many of my parenting choices such as blw, co sleeping, cloth nappies and no CIO. Plenty of mums around me think I’m strange but at least my mum is in my court!! And my beautiful baby girl is healthy and happy and loved so much!! We are enjoying every minute of her with our chosen parenting styles.

  87. Crystal Gibson says

    I am actually entering this for a family member, she is about to be a first time mom, and is intent on breast feeding her children, against her parents wishes, her husband is by far the most supportive person in her and the childs life! He is 100% supportive of her breast feeding decisions, and a million other choices they have had to make up until now!

  88. My biggest helps with breastfeeding were my lactation consultant at the hospital and my group of moms with babies born in the same month. It helps having a support group!

    Hands-free pumping bras are the BEST INVENTION EVER.

  89. My biggest support has been my whole family. My grandmother told me she was proud of me when I told her I was going to breast feed.

  90. Erin Plante says

    A must for all pumping mamas!

  91. WIth my first one, my Aunt was my biggest support as we introduced bf to me. With my third child my hubby is my biggest support…..

  92. My fiance has been my greatest support by far!

  93. My mom was biggest supporter with my first 2 children, also a very wonderful lc from the wic program with #2. Now I have a new lc through wic and my mother passed in sept of last year, so it is all on lc this round due in aug.

  94. My hubby has always been an amazing support with breastfeeding. Along with the AMAZING IBCLC’s in our area. I would love to try a pumpease hands free pumping bra to make pumping easier

  95. Other breastfeeding moms are my biggest support. My husband and mother are supportive too!

  96. My mom and female coworkers have been very supportive of me. I don’t think I would have even made it this far without them.

  97. My big sister has been a plethora of advice and support during my breastfeeding journey, and my hubby has been there supporting me every step of the way, could not have done it without those two especially!

  98. My step-mother in law who nursed all three of her sons 30 years ago when no one else was nursing their babies and my husband have been my biggest supporters. I am so grateful to know that they’ve got my back 100%. I nursed my oldest son for 20 months when he self-weaned and am now 3.5 months into our breast-feeding relationship with my second son. Hoping to make it to two years!

  99. Tashina Kirk says

    Blogs like TLB. Most family only breastfed for 8 weeks so had no knowledge of going further. Online friends and blogs helped me see that it’s an amazing thing.

  100. My best support has been in mainly 2 forms, this wonderful site and my supportive husband. 🙂

  101. jessica dumas says

    My husband. We are on day 6 of our final child (my 4th but we have 5 total) and he’s always giving me love and encouragement in all aspects of parenting. He reminds me daily how strong I am and even more so whenII’m feeling utterly helpless. I couldn’t do this without him and I’m so happy to be on this journey with him. I wouldn’t pick any other person.

  102. I have not begun the BF journey yet, but looking forward to my husband being my biggest supporter when our first arrives in August!

  103. My husband. As a first time mom, breastfeeding has been a struggle with awkwardness, pain, and mastitis. He has definitely been my number 1 supporter.

  104. My hubby has been my biggest supporter and I am now pregnant with our 4th child and it’s a struggle to work and breastfeed. But I am determined to do it. I think it’s wonderful and refreshing to see all these sites and products that offer the support that we women so need. It is an incredible and a blessing. So thanks!

  105. Brigid C says

    The lactation consultant at our pediatrician’s office and myself! I worked so hard to make it work and we are still going strong at almost 11 months.

  106. I’ve been considering get one of the pumpease bras. Has anyone else used one? Do they run fairly true to size?

  107. Michelle Mong says

    My husband has been an amazing support. He even sits next to me and engages in conversation when I nurse in public!

  108. Tara Crim says

    My husband has been the best supporter – he’s proud that our children are breastfed and always has encouraging words during challenging bfing times (growth spurts, sickness,etc)

  109. Katie Uebner says

    My husband is my best supporter. He always makes sure that I have water when I’m nursing, will bring the baby to me, do everything else in the middle of the night (changings, etc).

  110. Stephanie Armstrong says

    I’m a L&d nurse so having knowledgable co workers was awesome

  111. My midwife and my husband.

  112. Ryane Hall says

    I had amazing support from St Johns (the hospital I had both of my boys at!) My lactation consultant said she wouldn’t let me leave the hospital until we had the hang of it. I should send her flowers!

  113. Melissa Blanchette says

    I am thankful for all the support and advice I have gotten from my sister and friends. 🙂 THey all have answered any questions I had but also been there to support me when I needed it. My daughter is 3 months and we have some struggles but so far we are still BFing 🙂 I also want to say my Hubby has been one of the biggest supporters I’ve got 🙂

  114. Melody Smith Young says

    I was surrounded by help when BFing. Most of my friends were supportive, and nearly all of my family. I expected to have more judgement when I nursed my girls past the one year mark, but really most people thought it was great. I needed all of the support I could find when I started nursing my twins—but my husband was such a help–we wouldn’t have made it without his support.

  115. I’m trying to breastfeed my 6 week old son, but we are still working on latch issues. So, I’m doing a lot of pumping since he doesn’t nurse well at all. Plus, I start work back on Monday so I will be doing lots of pumping there too. Needless to say, hands free pumping has been a huge help and the pumping bra look awesome and would love to try one.

  116. My husband! His love, support and understanding of the importance of breastfeeding encouraged me to persevere. He loves doing what he can to support our breastfeeding relationship. One of a million reasons why I love him!:)

  117. My husband has always been my biggest supporter and help.

  118. Nancy Segoviano says

    My husband was one of my biggest supporters my m is a breastfeeding suppor is a breastfeeding support gr. almost almost 3 months M i M is extremel and she is exclusiv and she is exclusively breastfed

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