The Dairy Fairy Extended Father’s Day Giveaway



by Emily Ironi of The Dairy Fairy


The unsung hero, the “rock” in our lives.

This year, father’s day took on an even more special meaning to me as it landed on my dad’s birthday.  Sadly, he is no longer here for us to honor and celebrate him.

My father represented so much to me….  he was my idol and my mentor.

He taught me how to play fair, and how to get what I wanted.  He instilled a love for travel and discovery, and an unparalleled work ethic, that I can now say it at the root of The Dairy Fairy.  He is responsible for everything I do, from being an entrepreneur, to having my daughter on my own, so that I don’t miss out on the chance to be as amazing of a parent as he was.

So, I’ve decided to extend Father’s Day – at least for the week ; )

And a chance for your husband/partner to enjoy a little sexy something – on you!


On top of the chance you have to win a sexy Arden Bra in the giveaway below, I’m throwing in a special Father’s Day discount, good through June 22:
$20 off on our Arden All in One bra in Ocean Color, using code ‘fathersday’.



The Dairy Fairy is giving away an Arden All in One Handsfree Pumping and Nursing Bra in Ocean Color to one lucky Leaky (and her significant other!).

The Arden is the only bra that multitasks as much as mom does! Pump, nurse, adjust, beautifully.  Available in sizes XS-XL (32B-42G).

Ocean closed.nurse.pump

The Arden Bra and the Sadie Tank are available at


Good luck to everyone!  Please use the widget below to be entered.  The giveaway is open from 6/16 through 6/21.  A big thanks to Emily Ironi and The Dairy Fairy for their ongoing support of TLB and all breastfeeding women; please be sure to visit their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter and thank them for their support of TLB and this giveaway opportunity.

This giveaway is restricted to U.S. residents only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Emilie H. says

    I loved how he made camping a priority in our family’s life and therefore, family time. We would go for month long trips in the summer and tons of weekends during the school year. I loved it!

  2. Rachael K says

    I would tell new dads that it’s not as scary as it you think it will be. Yes, you’ll worry, and some things you’ll mess up, but your kids love you and need you, and if you keep trying, it will turn out pretty awesome.

  3. I would offer to fathers out there “Your relationship with your child is just as special and important as Mom’s. Don’t ever think different!”

    These are sassy! Love it!

  4. I loved how he was my biggest fan – cheering me on in every activity!

  5. Nikki C. says

    My dad always had the patience to teach us and let us help him with “life skills” ex: car work or how to repair things around the house

  6. I loved hanging out with my Dad.

  7. Megan Ruyle says

    My dad has an enormous sense of fun and can make friends anywhere! It made every outing an adventure.

  8. Anna Landt says

    This is wonderful!! Ian’s these bras look awesome. I would mind having one for myself as a nursing mother!

  9. He always helped me come up with the coolest, most original science projects that were fun to do.

  10. I am grateful for my father and my husband, you will be a wonderful father to our little one. Father’s Day is a day of celebration and prayers in our house as my husband lost his father over ten years ago.

  11. That looks like an awesome nursing/pumping bra!

  12. Rachel Davis says

    My words of encouragement would be that as long as you are there for your kids, no matter how old they are, then that makes you a great father.

  13. I really liked hanging out with my dad in his workshop and learning how to use the tools

  14. sherry blamer says

    My dad had all girls which he was fine with. my sisters and I grew up watching nascar and wrestling. I loved that we would watch wrestling together and also with my grandpa. my grandpa passed away two years ago so the memories of watching wrestling with my dad and grandpa are the best.

  15. My Dad worked nights while my mom worked days when my brother and I were young. During the summers we were able to do tons of fun things with Dad, my favorite being going to the outdoor pool for the day. It was do nice having Dad be there for us, he may not know how great it was, but I know he was a wonderful role model for my brother and I.

  16. Laura Fernandez-Benge says

    My dad left when I was very young. It was a good thing though as I don’t thing there was anything that he could have taught me. I now consider my mom’s SO to be my dad. He has been there for me as long as my real dad was, 11 years, but he has done so much more. What I love about him is that HE IS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME.

  17. I would tell all fathers that they are a father now. Before your baby is even born, when he is first conceived, that’s when you’re a father. It doesn’t really hit men until the baby is born. Find ways to connect with your child before he’s even born :).

  18. Anne Perry says

    Encourage and support the breastfeeding relationship. It will help the whole family.

  19. I love that my Dad is always there. We dodn’t turn to him often, but he’s always there when we do.

  20. Christine M says

    My dad took us on fun outings.

  21. Stephanie Lockwood says

    My advice would be… never be afraid to show your affection!

  22. I loved when my dad taught me things – through helping me with science fair projects to financial stuff to car stuff. He wanted to make sure his daughters were self-sufficient and could do anything they wanted.

  23. I love how he always encouraged us to be strong and independent women. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for his confidence in me.

  24. anne stewart says

    My dad always made us a priority and took the time to play 🙂

  25. Jessica Wood says

    It makes me really happy to have a husband who is excited about being a dad and bettering himself for the child and for our family. I grew up in a situation that was not the best and never really had a great male figure in my life. I am really happy and excited to see my husband grow into being a father as well as see the bond him and our daughter create.

  26. Amy Kat Cooper says

    I would like to share this with all dads, “put down your phone/computer/tablet/controller and slow down. Find joy in the little moments. Play with your children on their own terms. You have one shot to make real, good memories – don’t blow it by being caught up in the frantic parts of life.”

  27. Loved how he always brought us back something special when he went on trips for work.

  28. Riley Romatz says

    Even though he was my step dad and I wasn’t the nicest four year old, he never gave up on me. I thought he was a meany when I was little, but now that I’m an adult and have two kids of my own, I realize how patient and loving he was to me, even when he didn’t have to take on the role as my dad.

  29. Jessica B says

    My dad always made time to play with me after a long day at work. He even played barbies with me, and I’ll never forget it!

  30. I love how he would always let me choose my own food even though we both knew if I didn’t like it, I would end up eating his.

  31. I loved the way he took me to do the same things he did with my brothers! Fishing, hiking, sledding, playing baseball. There was never any hesitation to include me in things that were stereotypically for boys. Love my dad! 🙂

  32. Katherine says

    I would encourage new dads to bond with their infant as much as possible

  33. My dad and I use to work on cars together both real and models. I loved spending that time with him. It was our bonding activities.

  34. I loved that my dad was always cracking jokes and making me laugh!

  35. Nicole M says

    Mt Dad has always been inspiring and someone I’ve always looked up too. He always encouraged me to be my best. He’s made such a huge impact in my life that I wouldn’t be where I am with him love and support. He has a love for outdoors and we went camping every weekend. It was such a huge part of my childhood that now I’m passing that love to my two boys.

  36. Taleisha B says

    I loved that my dad would take me with him when he went out running (I rode my bike). It was just the two of us 🙂

  37. I love the fact my dad was funny he would make up nonsensical songs and jokes. He was using his imagination thus teaching us to use ours.

  38. I would encourage other dads to be more involved in even the mundane things like bath and feedings. They are only little for so long and that baby doesn’t care what activity your doing with them it matters that you spend time together.

  39. Just breathe and be patient, my husband sometimes doesn’t know what to do or gets overwhelmed so you have to remind them to be patient and it’s okay.

  40. My Dad was very involved in our lives growing up. I loved that he always made special time for us. He’s the reason we have dates with our kids now because he did that with us.

  41. I loved spending time with my dad in his garage. And now, my husband appreciates that I know the difference in the tools he needs 🙂

  42. stephanie haney says

    I can def say I love my daddy too. So much that I married a man with alot of similarities.

  43. Talia Bartoe says

    When I was very little I was a Daddy’s girl. I loved that every once in a while he would come home from his second shift job, and wake me up with take out food and a movie and we would get special time.

  44. Virginia S. says

    My dad had the best sense of humor. He was the king of corny dad-jokes!

  45. Carrie McBride says

    I love how my dad could always make me laugh – especially when I was feeling sad or sick. He always managed to make me laugh and lift my spirits

  46. I loved the way he rubbed my hair when I was sick!

  47. Charlotte says

    he always believed in me. he was my biggest cheerleader.

  48. Christian says

    I have always loved how hard my dad worked to provide for our family!

  49. neat idea!

  50. Valerie Doyle says

    my dad could always make me laugh!

  51. My parents were separated but I loved that my father would spent Christmas with us every year. Each holiday my parents would set aside their differences so that we could all celebrate together. I’ll never forget how special that was.

  52. Kristin Henderson says

    Love this!!! I’ve been looking for a nursing/handsfree pumping bra and this is perfect!

  53. I enjoyed watching and helping him cook.

  54. I hope this is a good nursing bra! It’s so hard to find nice ones.

  55. Alison S. says

    I appreciated that he was there.

  56. What a cute bra!!

  57. LaKendra says

    Just being there means so much. It’s not about what you can buy.

  58. Amanda Crawford says

    I would just tell dad’s to show their children that they love them and spend time with them.

  59. Dad’s need to know that they are invaluable when it comes to their children’s upbringing and that they will always be a hero in the eyes of their child.

  60. Melissa M says

    To dads everywhere: support your wife’s breastfeeding goals. You’re her biggest cheerleader!

  61. Advice for new dads, always make time for your family. No matter what.

  62. Nicole W. says

    What a pretty bra! And what a sweet story too! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    • Nicole W. says

      It ate my words of encouragement! Anyway, it was just “keep on keeping on!” Mom and baby need you more then you probably think!

  63. Lauren Foley says

    I loved that my dad kept us outdoors and active through my childhood.

  64. Amina Zeitoun says

    I love that you have make larger sizes!!!! We are such an under served demographic. I have to but the barely functional $5 Walmart bras because nothing else ever fits. I am so excited to have found you through The Leaky Boob!

  65. I love the idea of a pumping/nursing bra combo.

  66. Shona Martens says

    He always made sure we knew that farts ARE hilarious and he beer hesitated to get us Dairy Queen on a hot day.

  67. Sabrina Lemons says

    I always knew my dad would be calm and wise with every piece of advice!

  68. Megan Gray says

    I would tell dads to just be there. It doesn’t take anything special. Be there. Eat meals together, talk, read stories, play. Ask your children about their day and truly listen.

  69. Megan countryman says

    I loved spending Saturdays at the race track with my dad and our family. Very special memories 🙂

  70. Sandy Cuevas says

    I love all the pics posted on the FB page. They are all inspiring.

  71. Don’t give up! Take a look back at all the hard things you thought you couldn’t do and accomplished anyway!

  72. I’d be lost without my dad!

  73. Kayla Leib says

    I loved that we went on adventures. I am instilling that into my children.

    For the dad’s, be there. If nothing else, just be there when they need you.

  74. He never minded acting silly for mein front of my friends or their parents.

  75. I love my dad’s work ethos and his solid advice that “the fastest way to get something done is to do it right the first time.”

  76. I soo need a new nursing bra. My are so worn out!

  77. Faith Burlingame says

    What a great idea. I’m tired of using both a nursing bra and hands free over it.

  78. Elizabeth Galley says

    My husband is an AMAZING father, and I tell him so every day of the year. Father’s play such an important role!!

  79. My words of encouragement would be, you’re doing it…don’t ever give up trying,, just when you think you have everything mastered, everything will change…but you are doing great

  80. Jonnie Fry says

    He is funny! He always has the best stories & has everyone laughing!

  81. Amanda Bragg says

    Always made us do our homework after school but he gave us snacks and a ride home no matter if he had business to do

  82. I loved riding roller coasters with him. He’s where I got my love for them.

  83. Stephanie D says

    I loved that my dad was so hands on with us. Always making everything more fun even if it was a usual event. He was good at being creative.

  84. I SOO need this for this new baby on the way! Especially as a working, pumping, extended breastfeeding mama this would make like much easier! Wish I had known about it with my first!

  85. Jennifer says

    Make time to build your own relationship with your kiddos. Not just as an extension of mom!

  86. Hayley Elliott says

    I loved how he always wanted to do things outside. We were always camping, fishing, bike riding, and hiking. So many fun memories!!

  87. Tish Addams says

    My advice for dad’s is simple. Play with your kids!

  88. Jessica Sawyer says

    Watching Saturday morning cartons and sneaking ice cream for breakfast together!

  89. jessica mccauley says

    I need that bra

  90. Hailie Brewer says

    It’s so awesome that you’re doing this!

  91. Hailie Brewer says

    I love that you’re doing this giveaway! So awesome

  92. Cassandra A says

    My husband pull 60 hour weeks (he isn’t obligated to!), makes us nutritious meals, keeps the house presentable, and helps with the kids. What more could I ask for? Except a sexy bra for him to see ;p

  93. Sweta Sonulkar says

    my dad used to come to pick me p after my school every monday since he used to come to city where i ,mom and my brothers stayed in city near to school and my dad stayed in village for his practice of doctor ,but though he comes once a week ,he made sure he came to pick me up and give me all necessities and support whatever i needed.i wanted that love from my husband and he picks and drops my son regularly from his school.

  94. Laura Brubaker says

    What a neat bra!

  95. My dad took me on all the cool rides at Amusement parks!

  96. I’d love to win!!

  97. Kim Turner says

    I grew up without a dad, so my mom played both roles. Her best advice was: “The best revenge is living well.”
    I still live by those words.

  98. Heather Arnold says

    I loved how he always tried to make us laugh!

  99. Abbie oaks says

    I would encourage dad’s to have patience and to be loving as much as possible!

  100. Katie Hodge says

    I’d love to try one of these! I just loved spending time with my .dad.

  101. I loved how my dad always made time for family despite his very busy work schedule.

  102. New Dads, expect your baby to nurse CONSTANTLY. Babies love boobs, too! 😉

  103. My dad always supported us in whatever we wanted to do, from school to sports. I’m so lucky to have had such a wonderful example of what a great dad is!

  104. I love when my dad would dance with me. If I was having a hard day he would pick me up and dance until I was no longer upset (it didn’t take long!). He is my hero and makes the best Granddad!

  105. I miss my dad more than anything. He passed away when I was pregnant with my first little. I remember how excited he was to when I told him I was pregnant.

  106. Heather Anne Hendricksen says

    Word of advice – trust mama’s gut! 🙂

  107. I loved how over protective he was. At the time I didn’t fully understand it but now as an adult I appreciate it

  108. adrian tejera says

    This bra is AWESOME!

  109. Jennifer McGraw says

    My dad would always share his golf winnings with me. It was always so exciting to have a few dollars of my own to spend at the store!

  110. Adriana McCarty says

    I loved going fishing with my dad while I was a kid. It was something that we did together, usually just the two of us and had that quality time together which always made me feel special. It’s something I will always look back on fondly especially since he passed this past December from complications from surgery.

  111. Amy Perez says

    My advise would be to spend as much time as you can with your children and have lots of patience.

  112. Love how my husband plays with our daughter!

  113. Veronica says

    I loved that my dad was always respectful to my mom. He loves her so much and it taught me to never expect less from a man! I think the best advice I can give fathers is to be respectful to your children’s mother. You don’t have to like her…and life isn’t perfect so it won’t always work out…but if you’re respectful regardless of the circumstances, you kids will learn that behavior too!

  114. adrian tejera says

    My dad did everything perfectly, making me the woman I am today. I hope all fathers are able to show the right mixture of discipline, love, and respect, as my dad showed me. <3

  115. I have been wanting to try this bra!

  116. Stephanie H. says

    My dad always made up stories at bed time

  117. I will always appreciate the strong sense of ethics he insulted in me…how to save, how to strive for the best and how important family was. I distinctly remember moments like helping me open my first bank account when I was little, and dancing with him with my little feet on his shoes.

  118. Mia Schadewaldt says

    I would love to win this!!

  119. Hannah D says

    That he was ok being the only male in the house raising 3 girls.

  120. I loved when my family went boating. My dad always drove the boat and would say, “butt on a seat” to my siblings and I. Boating was one activity that everyone in the family loved to do.

  121. Dad’s- help mom whenever you can. Give her time to take a bath, brush her hair, feel like a woman and not just a milk-factory. It makes a difference. Be a part of that little one’s life in every way because he or she will look up to you and need you, and so does mom. 🙂 Enjoy!

  122. Kelli McCormick says

    I loved how laid back my dad was. Very little seemed to stress him out (which helped us not be stressed out children, I’m sure).

  123. Love it when my dad use to give me money to buy snacks.

  124. Cassy Johnson says

    I loved that he was a hands on dad. He always made me feel special and important.

  125. stacey jones says

    I love that my dad just spent time with us!

  126. My dad always took care of us!

  127. One of the things I love about my Dad is that when we were kids we would wait for him to come home from work and then hide in places where we could jump out and scare him. They were the same places every time and he knew we were there but he would still pretend that we scared him. 🙂

  128. Marlies Arbolante says

    This bra looks amazing! Hope to try it!

  129. Danielle says

    I would love one if these bras!

  130. This nursing bra is awesome! Great idea and cute!

  131. Courtney P says

    I loved that where ever we were, he was! If we were playing outside, so was he!

  132. Marya Mann says

    He took the time to read me the bible nightly 🙂

  133. Brittney LaHayne says

    Love the look and functionality of this bra! Would certainly help with my pumping!

  134. Brittney LaHayne says

    Didnt read lol I loved listening to music with my dad growing up!

  135. Lymarie Ortega says

    This is brilliant! I am loving this bra! I wish I would have had this when our baby was still newborn. I still pump and breastfeed exclusively so this bra could still come in handy.

  136. My Dad is such a great example by always working hard and by loving God and showing God’s love to others.

  137. My parents divorced when I was 8 years old, and my mom moved us 3 hours away (trying to keep us from our dad because she’s crazy!) My dad came down every other friday to pick us up and drove us back every single sunday evening. He gets a lot of credit for that! I’m 34 years old, and still remember his dedication to seeing his kids, as hard as my mom made it.

  138. I wanna win! I’m due with baby boy in Fall and this would be perfect.

    I loved that he would carry me to school (just a block short so no one would see) when I was in elementary school. I loved that he would take time out to bring me a special lunch at school. I loved that he spent his evenings reading to me before bedtime. 🙂

  139. Ashleigh Allen says

    My dad always played with us as kids. He was never the serious and distant type which meant we had a lot of fun growing up!

  140. I love the way he raised me as a single father doing the vest he could. He taught me so many things & i always enjoy spending time with him.

  141. Diantha Perkins says

    I love this. As a big breasted bf mom, this is perfect!

  142. I loved doing fun things with my dad!

  143. My husband, the father of our child, has been my greatest breastfeeding cheerleader & I know he would appreciate a beautiful functional bra for all 3 of us!

  144. Can’t be anymore blessed that I found the leaky boob Facebook as homepage. Such great support for everything for breast feeding. Just had my 3rd little boy and breast feeding is going amazing for the 3rd time! Can’t be anymore pleased with the great stories and awesome tips from here !

  145. MamaJuju says

    My dad had a bulldozer and he would let my sisters and I go for rides. He coached my soccer team. He worked full time and then some, but always had time for his girls.

  146. Martha England says

    I was always my daddy’s little girl. He loves my brother and I with all he has and now he loves our kids as well.

  147. My dad gave me my first car at 15… And another one at 20. He’s a really giving person. I really appreciate him.

  148. fathers- make your daughters feel beautiful and help them learn to love and respect themselves. set a good example by showing them how they deserve to be treated; with respect.

  149. Elizabeth says

    Such a cute nursing bra!! Love it!

  150. Raelynn wheeler says

    I love how he is always there for me regardless of what my need was and what time it was. He’s so hardworking and loving. He also treats my children the same 🙂

  151. brigette yerke says

    Spend as much time with your kiddos as you can….they will remember it when they get older

  152. Brooke light says

    I didn’t have the best relationship with my dad, especially as a kid. So that made me just treasure the one I have with my step dad that much more. I do remember tho with both of them spending weekends watching them build things or fix cars and those skills have actually paid off in the long run.

  153. Haley M. says

    I missed the presence of a father growing up, but from the sound of it, yours is pretty awesome!

  154. I love my dad he is the one I have always been able to depend on he was even at my babies birth when he claimed he couldn’t cuz it would be too graphic lol yet he was there holding my hand the whole time there has never been a time in my life he wasn’t there for me

  155. Victoria Savo says

    That he would always play with me and my sister- we would build with blocks, go fishing, etc. He was also always making us amazing breakfast or occasionally take us for an early morning breakfast out before school.

  156. I loved that my dad still made time for us, even when he worked all day long. He would plan special days for each of us, separately.

  157. Leslie Dotts says

    I would love this!

  158. I loved that he made family dinner a priority.

  159. Jennifer says

    I loved how he would read aloud to us in the evenings.

  160. Love this idea!! Adjustable cups would have saves me money time and tears from having to try on with. Screaming baby in the dressing room :p

  161. I love how my dad always managed to bring me back a souvenir of some kind from all of his deployments. I’m 30 years old and still have most of them stashed in a box somewhere- I can’t make myself get rid of them.

  162. Love that you can adjust the size in the front. I just hope it’s comfy, most my “pretty” nursing bras are not- if they’re pretty, they’re usually scratchy. Any reviews?

  163. Alexandra says

    I loved that my dad always had time to make tents with us (out of chairs and sheets/blankets) and have sleepovers in them

  164. Jackie G says

    I loved how my dad used his work break to pick us up from school everyday. We were just three blocks away from his job. He will walk us to our grandparents house so they can watch us until my mom got off work.

  165. This bra is brilliant! I’m surprised I’ve never seen one like this before.

  166. Aimee P. says

    Spend time with your kids. Take a family vacation each year.

  167. My dad was always calm, he didn’t have to smack me or yell to get me to listen. And he was always there for me especially in my teens fixing my cars so I could ride around with my friends, thanks Dad!

  168. Mechelle says

    Love the adjustable cups!

  169. He let me try everything my brother got to try, i built racing cars and changed tires, great things for a girl to learn!

  170. Mechelle says

    My dad traveled a great deal when I was a kid…. But when he was home he always tried to spend time with all six of his kids. We often went to movies together. I love movies because they give me a happy memory of my dad.

  171. Yelling silences your message. Speak quietly so your children can hear your words instead of just your voice 🙂

  172. Natasha Day says

    Hello guys this is cool

  173. MIchelle Hall says

    These look SO cool. Would love to try one. Also, My dad was my everything, and I was his 🙂

  174. kerry hughes says

    I loved refinishing our basement with my step dad when I was little. So much fun and great bonding time

  175. Samantha Clark says

    Always loved that despite how many hours he worked he was always there for every event. Family came first.

  176. I loved that he would take me on roller coasters when my mom would stick to the kiddie rides with my younger brother.

  177. Mandie Johnson says

    Fishing with my dad…I remember every fishing trip we went on…I miss him so much…

  178. My father used to make up my bedtime stories – we used to build forts and do silly things that would make my mom upset.

  179. This is something that would come in super handy for me. Although I can’t afford it right now, I’m sure someday I’ll be able to purchase one to make things a little bit easier.

  180. Lorrie Ann says

    I loved reading books with my dad! Sitting on his lap in our recliner….lot of good memories!

  181. If Baby is more attached to Mom at first, don’t fret! Baby is hardwired to be attached to Mama at first. They all come around eventually. 🙂

  182. Landra Raymond says

    My dad was always my biggest fan and supporter. He did everything in his power to support me in every endeavor.

  183. Dorothy rhoades says

    I enjoyed that my father taught me many useful traits like saving money, hard work, and how to hunt. 🙂

  184. The best advice I have for dads is to dive head first into parenting. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and just go for it! Us moms will appreciate your willingness 🙂

  185. This bra looks amazing! I had a hands free pumping bra with my first, but it was bandeau style so I couldn’t wear it as a regular bra. This would be perfect for efficiently pumping before work and during the work day!

  186. Loved watching my dad play basketball on the weekends

  187. Abigail G says

    Dads, dont be afraid of singing to a new baby. They love it!

  188. Brittany A. says

    Would love to try out this bra! I haven’t found a hands free pump one I like yet!

  189. As a newly nursing mom this would be awesome!

  190. Love your kids more than you love work with affection and admiration, not just by providing through work.

  191. I loved that my dad really taught me how to respect others. And he treated me like every girl should be treated. He really set the standard for all the men I came in contact with as I entered adulthood.

  192. Lexus J. says

    I love how he loves me unconditionally, even after finding out that I was not his by blood. He’s always there when I need him, and has never stopped believing in me.

  193. Jessica Romanillo says

    We would watch movies together.

  194. The everyday things like bike rides and going swimming, and super fun things like our many trips to Disney World!

  195. I remember hoping swimming on my dad’s back. Didn’t happen often, but it is a fond memory.

  196. Kayla Burke says

    Just ordered my first bra and tank… can’t wait to try them!

  197. Megan Packer says

    My dad always took us on vacations, I definitely enjoy them more now because of that.

  198. This bra sounds amazing!

  199. That he always played with us and got on our level 🙂

  200. I loved his big bear hugs 🙂

  201. Jennifer Mullinix says


  202. Shana Page says

    My dad was a joker! I loved the way he always made me laugh when I was a kid and I love the way he still makes me laugh now! Even better that he makes my kids laugh too!

  203. He used to take me to the park.

  204. christine says

    My dad was always trying to make us laugh. He still tells us the same corny jokes and stories to.this day. My friends all loved him so I couldn’t even be embarrassed by him haha

  205. Jen Heischman says

    I love how he made time for us. Family was a priority and always important to him. Miss him everyday.

  206. I need this!!!

  207. Stephanie says

    They know you love them, even when you can’t be there!

  208. I love how my dad would always be up for adventure on our walks. And taking the time to just be together. Even now that I’m an adult and married with my kids, my dad still takes time for me. My advice to new dads is don’t undervalue yourself, you are very important, and not easily replacable.

  209. My papa was the male figure in my life and he was always there for me no matter what. He always listened and gave his 2 cents but never pushed his opinions on me. He is an amazing man and i love an appreciate everything he’s done for me.

  210. To dad’s everywhere: if you are in your child’s life you are already a good dad. Don’t stress if you’re doing well.

  211. kim voland says

    As much as I have pumped and as much as my little guy likes to nurse I could definitely use a bra like this 🙂 since I stay home with my son, my extra pumped milk is donated. And since my little guy doesn’t like when I pump this would be perfect 🙂

  212. Jenni L. says

    I love that my father never took himself too seriously and was always easy to laugh.

  213. Cassandra Eastman says

    I love how fun my dad was, he always had time for us. I remember going to the lake almost every Sunday with him!

  214. This bra is amazing!!

  215. Beth Nicholson Sample says

    I loved that my dad never let me think being a girl meant I couldn’t do something. My dad gave taught me to be strong and loving.

  216. I would love to win this nursing/ pumping bra! it seems like it would be an amazing tool to promote extended breastfeeding

  217. Always take time to kids your children goodbye.

  218. joley payne says

    my dad always came home and played with us for a couple hours before bedtime

  219. katie tubbs says

    I remember visiting my dad every school break. I loved those times

  220. victoria bennett says

    my dad always introduced us to lots of new foods & cultures which made me way more adventurous as an adult!

  221. aleicia waddell says

    Once in elementary school I missed a chance to go caroling at an old folks home so my dad let me sit on his lap and sing the songs to him. I never really thought much about it at the time, bit now it means a lot to me. Take time for your kids they remember the way you make them feel.

  222. Enjoy them. Time goes by so fast.

  223. Olivia Mesich says

    I loved the giant pretzels he would buy and give us as treats 🙂
    Really though, I loved how silly he.was with us.

  224. Maggie Sleigh says

    Brilliant design!

  225. My dad would take us on his business trips with him.

  226. I love that my dad was always there for every swim meet and softball game. More than that, he helped me process it afterward and analyze what I could have done differently or what went well and why. It helped me learn to take constructive criticism and think critically about an event – something that still helps me in my profession today.

  227. Natalie M says

    My dad went to medical school during the days and drove a taxi at night when I was litle, and I don’t ever remember him not being with us. He always made time for us. He’s a wonderful dad, and now a wonderful grandfather!

  228. Heather Arthur says

    Love the Dairy Fairy!

  229. I love how he would make time to spend with us and teach us new things!

  230. I loved curling up in his lap to watch tv.

  231. Grace Kinney says

    I loved his gentleness. I was never afraid of my dad.

    Don’t be intimidated by the mother-child bond, facilitate it. Feeding is not the only way to bond. Caress mom and baby while she nurses. Cuddle close. Sing and bounce. Give skin to skin. Both mom and baby will come to you more for the effort you put in during those first few crucial months.

  232. Melissa Santiago says

    He was always there for me no matter what. He supported me in everything I did. He was and is my rock. If I need him he always comes running no questions no judgement. He means so much to me. I loved how he was at every sporting event I had. I may have not been MVP but he always cheered me on. It gave me so much confidence. I love him so much.

  233. Alexandria Couret says

    This is absolutely brilliant.

  234. Alexandria Couret says

    I loved how my father fostered my love of reading. The answer was never no when I wanted to go to a bookstore or the library.

  235. Nikki Jones says

    I was never an athletic chick. My dad had two daughters, and he so desperately wanted kids who were into sports. So I tried everything: golf, basketball, soccer, swim team, etc. Even though I came in dead last in pretty much every competition, my dad taught me and my sister to try our hardest no matter the result. I may have placed last place at my first swim meet, but I had the most beautiful “butterfly” form of all the competitors!

  236. Kayla wiseman says

    My dad rocked! Yes he was hard on us but he taught us so many things!
    Loved he was always there for us no matte what and now he is there no matter what for my kiddos!

  237. Melanie Litchfield says

    My husband works very hard so I can be home 4 days a week with our daughter (who is turning 1 next Thursday!) He’s our hero!

  238. Candace Robbins says

    My dad never let long hours at work keep him from helping me with homework.

  239. Keri Huck says

    He was and is always ready for a hug. He let us use our imagination and ran with it.

  240. Savanah L. says

    I loved all the various experiences my dad provided for me growing up. From ice fishing to music festivals, we were always doing something new and different, especially Things none of my friends had ever done!

  241. My dad would lie on his back and hold my sister and I on his feet and swing us around like we were airplanes. Or tickle us until we couldn’t handle it anymore. Or wake us up in the middle of the night to watch a meteor shower. Gorious memories. I miss you, Pops.

  242. Danielle says

    Father’s Day should be more than a day. Our dads teach us a lot.

  243. Monica Powell says

    My dad was a single dad raising my sister and I. He did great and always provided us with what we needed.

  244. My husband is such an amazing dad , not just to the children we created together but to the ones from my first marriage he adopted. I never had a close relationship with my own father so it’s great to see my children have something I didn’t.

  245. Crystal-lynn says

    I would encourage all dads to be present.

  246. Nichole P says

    My dad taught me the value of hard work. He would do anything to support his family and succeeded at all he did because of the hard work he put in.

  247. Loved that my dad took us to Dunkin Donuts onFridays for dinner

  248. Cecile Meraz says

    What I really love that my father did was preach work ethic. He didnt show much appreciation, or pride in us, but he showed enough. I believe there’s a fine line between overdoing it and making children feel as though its owed to them and under doing it and making children feel as though their parents are ashamed of them. My dad Didnt make us feel as though he wasn’t proud of us. But he did make sure we worked hard enough to make sure we were as proud of ourselves as he was of us.

  249. Alicia Whitcomb Durfee says

    I loved when he’d help me bake with my Easy Bake Oven.

  250. I love how involved my dad was. He was there everyday, he made dinner and would spend time with us. He went to baseball games and dance recitals. He was very hands on

  251. I loved how strong my dad was. He’d lift us in the air with one arm. We thought it was amazing! — I’d tell other dads.. You’re important too. Don’t ever forget just how important you are.

  252. I hope my husband has that kind of positive influence on our kids!

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