KoalaKin Fall Giveaway

KoalaKin, with its one-of-a-kind hands-free nursing pouch, loves to support new moms in their journey.  Vivian, founder and creator of KoalaKin, wants to show her support by offering a KoalaKin nursing pouch in a free giveaway.  I’ve asked her to tell us a little about the other ways that she likes to support new moms:


Vivian, creator and founder of KoalaKin.


TLB: For every product created, there is a story behind it, a motivating drive that moved a person to invest their energy, creativity, time, and resources to make that product.  What drove you to create the KoalaKin? 

Vivian: I’m all about making life easier for moms, especially in those first few months with their new baby. That is the most critical time for their breastfeeding relationship and I’ve seen SO many moms give up breastfeeding because it was too hard / complicated / time consuming / painful, etc…

It seems to me that many moms are willing to give BF a try, but if the level of “investment” or sacrifice is too high for them (always such a personal thing), they will give it up.


TLB: How can the KoalaKin help with this? 

Vivian: I created the KoalaKin to “decrease” that level of investment and sacrifice, in the hopes that this will help moms stick with it longer – until it gets easier and more manageable.

In other words, the KoalaKin is there to help get moms through the difficult times by perfectly positioning the baby at the breast, freeing up mom’s hands, promoting a healthy, ergonomic posture, and allowing moms to be more mobile. All in the hopes they’ll stick w breastfeeding for as long as they can / want. Because the longer they do it, the better off babies will be.

That’s what the KoalaKin is all about.


TLB: Are there other ways that you and KoalaKin are there to support moms? 

Vivian: Yes!  One thing I created for new moms is a guide on what to expect when breastfeeding their newborn (in the first 3 months).  And then there’s social media.  My desire is  to create a non-judgmental space where moms can gather and share information that will help them in their breastfeeding efforts / journey.

And here is where:
KoalaKin Blog 



Vivian is offering one KoalaKin Hands-Free Nursing Pouch to one lucky Leakie!  
Color and size to be chosen by the winner
Retail Value: $89.99


Koalakin Hands Free Nursing Pouch (5)


Good luck to everyone!  Please use the widget below to be entered.  The giveaway is open from November 20, 2014 through December 1, 2014.  A big thanks to Vivian and KoalaKin for their support of TLB and all breastfeeding women; please be sure to visit their Facebook page or follow them on twitter and thank them for their support of TLB and this giveaway opportunity.

This giveaway is restricted to U.S. entries only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I attended a lot of new mom groups. It was helpful for me to know I wasnt the only one struggling.

  2. The most touching moment of my last baby, where ifelt most supported, and in tears, mind you, was when i brought her to our bed to nurse her in the night, and hubby rolled over and put his arm around both of us.

  3. Mom friends who offered advice based on their experiences were invaluable to me!

  4. The best support came from my best friend. She was there through all my hormonal, sleepless rants. She helped encourage me to breastfeed my daughter and always brought chocolate when she visited in the first few weeks. I will never forget her kindness.

  5. Coming alongside me and supporting what I’m doing without offering advice or judgement

  6. My mom has been my biggest advocate, stepping in when I need help, abd just being there when I need her!

  7. Just having someone to hold the baby while you get a shower & take some time to yourself.

  8. The most meaningful support that I received was for people to just be there and ask if there was anyway to help. Not just with the baby, but with other things around the house

  9. This would be SO great for cluster feeding.

  10. Honestly the most meaningful support comes from my husband. He helps me be the best mom I can be.

  11. telling me I could do it and offering help when I had my twins

  12. Wow, this is simply AWESOME… thank you for the super sweet chance!

    My biggest support with being a new mommy is having my husband & I being a team. We have a total planned out schedule & it works great… though we are both a bit sleepy deprived & grumpy! Lol)

  13. Amanda Temple says

    The best support I get is from my hubby. Those first few weeks of breastfeeding were rough, but he didn’t let me just quit. His job gives him 10 days off after a birth and it was nice to have helping hands especially after labor!

  14. My MIL came for the first week and now my Mom is here for a few weeks, and it is so helpful to have them help with the newborn.

  15. I’ve been interested in Koalakin for a while now and I’m hoping to get one to use with my next little. I wish I had known about it the first time around!! Thanks for all the great info! ^_^

  16. anne stewart says

    Bringing a hot meal over is much appreciated!

  17. My mom was super supportive of me even though breastfeeding didn’t work out for her. She came over to help and did household chores so I could breastfeed with less stress.

  18. The most meaningful way to receive/give support is by not judging the way someone parents, or commenting negatively when someone decides to do things a different way than the way you brought up your babies. Or commenting on how the mother should feel.bc they also had a csection but we’re able to this this and that. Not everyone’s delivery/recovery is the same. I did receive a ton of help from my bf and caring family members after delivery. Hot meals.are also much appreciated!

  19. Kayla Bergstrom says

    Not being judgemental of my parenting choices and helping when I’m struggling!

  20. I agree with Anne, a hot meal. I also had a friend stop by and do laundry and the do dishes (she came out of the blue). It was so nice 🙂

  21. Family and friends who are understanding and help me conquer my parenting fears!

  22. The thing I did that helped me most since I live across the country from my family is connecting with “mommy” groups on Facebook! Seeing positive stories and advice every day has been essential for me.

  23. people who don’t judge my decisions (BFing, CDing, Natural birth) *cough*MIL*cough*

  24. sherry blamer says

    My husband is all the support I could ever need. hes always telling me how great of a mom I am and supporting me through everything.

  25. Meals are nice to have in the beginning, one last thing to think about 🙂

  26. Arianah Watts says

    Encouraging words from my hubby!

  27. Since we no longer live near family, the new friends we met, have offered their support, and knowing this is so comforting! It’s nice to know that they are there.

  28. Anyone who brought me food! Nothing was more helpful in the beginning than having a hot meal without spending much time in the kitchen.

  29. Living near my family has been a huge blessing!!! It’s great to know my son is in good hands when I drop him off to do some shopping or relax and catch a movie.

  30. Christine Bobick-Butcher says

    I try to make it to the local LLL meetings. Also, my husband helps a lot by feeding me and bringing me water when I’m feeding our son. 🙂

  31. I am due in Feb with my my first, but so far the joy and loving words from family and friends has been a wonderful support to me.

  32. Christina Swenson says

    The most meaningful way I receive support as a new parent is advice from my own mother and breaks I get from my husband.

  33. Ashley rodewald says

    I’ve always wanted one of these! With my 4th on the way and 4 kids 5 and under this will for sure come in handy!!

  34. Just having people available to talk when you’re feeling lost.

  35. Sarah Hobson Calfee says

    This looks awesome!

  36. A spouse who shares your beliefs on breastfeeding, and helps you achieve your goals!

  37. A meal sign up and household help was so precious to me. It meant I got to snuggle my new baby rather than worry about household chores.

  38. The most meaningful way I receive support as a parent is all of the encouragement from the people in my life. I receive so much verbal and emotional support; it makes my life much better.

  39. I felt the most supported with my first baby when my mother came to help me survive the first 3 weeks. She made meals and made sure my house was clean and my belly was full. It helped me foster the best nursing relationship with my little one.

  40. The most meaningful support i get is all my family supporting me breastfeeding. If we have a cranky baby my hubby never hesitates to pull the car over so i can nurse her and comfort her.

  41. So awesome! This would definitely come in handy!

  42. lauren cutshaw says

    My husband for sure!! Especially in the middle of the night when I was the most tired.

  43. Christina Sardina says

    As a mom, the most meaningful form of support for me comes in the form of my little ones smiles. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how much I got done, if I’ve been able to shower or remembered to eat (luckily MOST of the time those things do get done) … what truly matters is that my children feel safe and loved. If I’ve done that, then I’ve done my job well. Their little smiles, a “thanks mom” or “I love you” keeps me going well into the wee hours of the morning.

    … of course I don’t turn down babysitting, offers to do my dishes or bring us a meal every now and then 😉

  44. Honestly from people giving us space right acter baby is born, and coming to help out a few days later. It’s nice just having time all to ourselves for the first few days.

  45. Information and encouragement without pressure or judgment.

  46. I would love to win this for the upcoming baby! With this being #4, it would be great to make multitasking even easier!

  47. My mom came and stayed with us for the first week. The help and support were beyond valuable!

  48. Elizabeth Pannell says

    My husband encouraging and thanking me for feeding our son. I was afraid breastfeeding would only be important to me, but he’s been my biggest cheerleader!

  49. I have RA & FM, so I get easily fatigued while BFing, so this could be a godsend.

  50. With having large boobs it’s hard for me to get comfy with a pillow/boppy/my breast friend (my favorite). Would love to try this out!

  51. Totally need one of these!!

  52. My husband was extremely supportive, taking care of our preachooler and running back and forth between two hospitals when our son was born (I was in the icu at one, he was at the nicu in another). He still worked and took care of everything. He made sure I had a new picture at least once a day and he even used Skype so I could see him.

  53. Jessica Thomas says

    The most meaningful thing someone has done for me is just asking if I need any help. Or inviting me to go out even though I might be really tired.

  54. With my horrible inflamatory response that my body gets after pregnancy, that no can can figure out why, this would be a life changer for me! I’m thankful that people can come up with ideas like this and bring them to life.

  55. Kassandra McIntyre says

    this would be amazing for me. I have a 2m old nursling, two 2.5yr olds, and a 8yr old that I have to take care of and having this would be a godsend. To have my hands free!!!! Oh the possibilities!

  56. Jessica Weiss says

    If you feel you need help for PPD… GET IT! There’s no shame in it and you can take medication while EBFing… I learned the hard way. 🙁 Looking forward to taking care of myself and my 2nd son (in addition to my 1st) in January!

  57. Jennifer Beeler says

    My support comes from people who recognize that this is *our* parenting journey and don’t judge the choices we make.

  58. Oh I wish I would have known about this product a lot sooner. This would be so wonderful doing laundry and even maybe getting to eat a hot meal since my little one decides that he wants to eat the minute my dinner is ready almost every time.

  59. My hubby is the best support system!!!

  60. I couldn’t do it without my husband’s help, but the advice I’ve gotten from my mom friends has been invaluable.

  61. Victoria Parris says

    I had minimal outside support but my husband supported me 100% which made the journey so much better. This is an amazing product that allows moms to still function all the while bonding and nursing their babies. So cool!

  62. This looks amazing! I wish I had one last year.
    Maybe for the next one!

  63. I’ve received unfaltering support from my husband and that has been amazing!

  64. this would be great for my newborn so I canbe more active with my toddler!

  65. Noelle Marie says

    What a fab idea! I love mom’s who create business to help other moms!

    • Noelle Marie says

      The most meaning for support was just to have someone listen and knowing there are other moms with similar issues!

  66. Kimberly Hall says

    I am due with my second son in February. I don’t have a lot of family and I didn’t have any friends with children when I had my first son, so I reached out online and found a ton of women who were willing to tell me about their experiences and now with my first having been diagnosed with autism I’ve needed their support even more.

  67. I have a friend who just had her third! This would be amazing for her! Tis the season of giving after all!

  68. Cassandra deNevers-Blair says

    FAMILY! My mom and husband in particular. She always has good advice and he picks up the slack on the housework, ect so I can focus on the kiddos.

  69. Knowing that there is no such thing as a perfect mom and at the same time that every mother is perfect!

  70. My husband has been the best support, allowing baby and I to bond the first few weeks by cleaning the house, feeding everyone, and taking our 3.5yo out to do different things!

  71. My family pitching in and supporting my baby-wearing journey by them learning how to wrap and ask questions. And supporting that we choose breastfeeding.

  72. I truly treasure that my husband puts our 6yo to bed every night so I can take care of the baby. I miss the time with our son, but it’s so nice not to have to worry about getting him down at night.

  73. From friends who I can ask anything, and who don’t judge.

  74. Why have I never heard of this?! Really hoping I get one as a shower gift!

  75. My mom has come over and helps with cleaning.

  76. Wow! The fact this exists is amazing! I sell crochet and with my chunkybutt nursing every 2 hours, I could get a lot more done. 🙂

  77. this looks awesome! I could see this being a necessity with my new little one, while busy with his big brothers.

  78. Oh dear, I was distracted… I didn’t get a lot of support. I’m a military wife and no family near nor would they come help. Let’s see, my husband cooks daily so I don’t have to worry about that (though he is so messy and I’m the one who cleans… Beggars can’t be choosers, right?) 🙂

  79. I asked my mom and my baby’s pediatrician any questions that popped into my head. They both are excellent resources.

  80. I received a few meals from friends in my area, which was very helpful, but I definitely wouldn’t still be bfing without the help of my mother, (who stayed by me for a while to help out with my older son,) and my amazing LC, Julie Bouchet-Horowitz, who helped me overcome so many breastfeeding obstacles.

  81. I don’t know what I would have done without the help from my mom but I also receive a lot if encouragement and support online from other moms and pages like TLB

  82. My entire family knows how important Breastfeeding is to me and supports me 100%!

  83. Ashleigh Gray says

    Would love this!

  84. I have a few friends that were all due about the same time. It’s great to be able to have shared experiences at the same time!

  85. Honestly people giving me my space has been the most helpful

  86. I’m a voice and piano teacher and this would allow me to keep accompanying my students and nurse the baby!

  87. The most meaningful advice I received as a new parent was to “find out and stick with whatever worked for me”, while it sounds too broad a statement it allowed for a few weeks of much needed relaxation when I was needlessly stressing out about keeping up with housework when I needed extra sleep.

  88. Supportive husband, friends and mommy friends. Those who did not give unwanted unnecessary advice esp to sleep deprived parents 😉 but who lent a helping hand, a warm meal or just let me take a shower in peace. It’s the little things!

  89. Aysha Gunter says

    Just the support of my family helped my breastfeeding experience

  90. Misread that! With my first I had a traumatic birth, lost a lot of blood, and then had retained placenta that wasn’t discovered for 4 weeks. A friend added me to a mommy group and set up a meal thing and mom’s I didn’t even know brought us meals. It was amazing. Mom’s are amazing.

  91. Niamh Viggiano says

    Having a close friend raise two babies almost exactly the same age has been amazingly supportive. We are also both older moms. She’s been the best!

  92. shawna theobald says

    Having my husband support me regardless of my choices has been immeasurable. When I wanted to cloth diaper, he simply asked me to teach him how. When I said I wanted an all natural birth he was right there to help anyway he could. When I cried the first week of breastfeeding and said I didn’t know if I could do it, he hugged me and said that it didn’t matter how we fed our son as long as he was loved. He doesn’t pressure me into anything. His hands off but supportive approach has allowed me to find the confidence in myself to do the things I want to do without fearing failure. I can’t imagine doing any of this without him!

  93. Brenda nickell says

    i really like this. I have been trying to make one of my own – but not successful. I have been wanting to feed my little one while doing stuff on the computer and such – but desperately need a carrier like this do that! Love it!

  94. Reading and research was the most helpful for me as a new mom. I found myself questioning advice from some people whom I adored, but didn’t agree with. I was relieve to find support for the natural methods that just felt right and in turn reduced my stress. I also find support as a new mom through nearby family, always willing to lend a hand babysitting when needed.

  95. this is so awesome

  96. For me support comes in the form of phone calls and visits. I love having company instead of people assuming I need to be left alone post pardum.

  97. looks like a very helpful product!

  98. Just having my Mom here. We live about 3 minutes away from each other. And when my DD was having a melt-down and I was having a melt-down, I could always call her to come over for support.

  99. This product looks so awesome! I would love to have it so I could feed my baby easier at my meal times 🙂

  100. Would love one of these! I have back problems and nursing always hurt because of the positions.

  101. The most meaningful way that I received support as a new parent was help from my family and friends. My parents were invaluable and my biggest supporters. They would come over and bring meals, clean, hold the baby so I could shower or sleep, help my husband and cheer me on. It allowed me to just focus on myself and my baby and made all of the difference those first few weeks with a newborn!

  102. Amazing concept. I would absolutely love this!

    My parents have been the most support with my 5 week old. I wouldn’t be able to do it without them.

  103. This looks like it word be a great help for breastfeeding and multi tasking.

  104. Hayley Elliott says

    I think the first meaningful way to receive support in breastfeeding to have support from your nurses if you give birth in a hospital. I have 4 boys and have had nurses that are super supportive and have also had nurses who aren’t supportive at all. Ones that let me nurse my baby immediately and as long as he wanted to before giving him a bath or moving us to our regular room. Then I’ve had the ones who gave my baby a bottle of formula without my permission. I continued to nurse all my boys, but it was discouraging to not have your nurse on your side. After coming home my mom was always my biggest supporter. She would do anything to help with our breastfeeding journey.

  105. Cooking and cleaning for me is he best!

  106. I received constant support from my mother and husband dealing with all the crazy nursing and infant things!

  107. This is awesome! I hope i win. I am due with our newest addition in june.

  108. This would be perfect for my one month old and my back!!

  109. Cassie Kleinfelder says

    My wonderful husband, in nearly everything he says and does. He tells me all the time “you’re a great mom”.

  110. Oh how I would love one of these!! What a fabulous idea! Due with #2 in two weeks my with my active three year old, a free set of hands will come in handy!!

  111. The best support came from my family. My sister stayed with us for a year (flew all the way from the Philippines!) and was a tremendous help with taking care of my toddler, and she also took care of me while I pregnant with baby #2, and stayed for a month after baby was born. Then my dad flew in, this time from Italy, to provide support. I am over the moon grateful for this outpouring of love and support from my family.

  112. kathryn mcdonald says

    My whole family was always there to help and they supported my parenting decisions.

  113. Stephanie Heavey-Pascoe says

    this is such a great product!

  114. Lauren Koczarslo says

    I love the idea of this product! I am pregnant with #2 after ebf my first for 7 months and bf for 13 m. I want the same for #2 but my days of hours on the couch are definitely limited by a toddler!

  115. Lindsay Kruse says

    support from other new moms has always helped me on my journey. Often they are fumbling along like I am, and it feels validating to hear their experiences.

  116. This looks amazing! Very handy

  117. Nikki Gorham says

    All I wanted after the birth of my first child was support. Support in my choice to breastfeed, even while he was in the nicu and there were “nurses there to do that.” Support in my need to be with him as much as possible so he knew I was his momma. Support when we came home and he couldn’t sleep unless he was being held. My husband is the only one who gave me that.

  118. Alicia Parks says

    The most meaningful way I receive support as a new parent is the advice I am able to get without judgement from my mother and from groups on Facebook. Also having the support of my awesome husband helps in so many ways, especially now that I am pregnant again with our rainbow baby.

  119. Candace Pettee says

    I had family to help and attend breastfeeding support groups. The breastfeeding group is what has helped make breastfeeding more successful this time around.

  120. Kimberly Adams says

    When a friend came over to help me with breastfeeding, and then supported me when I ultimately decided to exclusively pump.

  121. Megan Hoffman says

    My husband, definitely. He works over 40 hours a week so I can be a stay at home mom, but every time I’m up to feed the baby at night, he is up with me and always asks what I need. His job requires him to be away several nights a week but he sends me supportive texts and when he gets home, no matter how tired he is, he will do whatever I need (make dinner, cleantthe bathroom, take dogs out, give me a baby break, etc). I couldn’t imagine doing this without him!

  122. What a great idea!!

  123. Chelsey Hendersom says

    This would be so useful!

  124. laurel willis says

    Oh my gosh- this is amazing! I love it, and could really put this to good use!!! Little Finn is only 12 days old, and I can think of many times that I would wear this…Thanks for the chance to win!

  125. Would love this!! My wrists having been bugging me from breastfeeding, and it sounds like this would help!!

  126. I get out of the house and surround myself with other parents. It’s nice to be around others that I can relate to and who are experiencing the same thing.

  127. My mother, husband, and 2year old son have been the best support for me while breastfeeding. I love it when my 2 year old reminds me, “Mama, baby sister needs boobies. Yummy breast milk.”

  128. Love this idea, would be a life saver with a 4 month old and 3 year old!!

  129. Space! There is nothing worse (for me) trying to figure out a new baby than having to worry about visitors.

  130. #3 on the way, this would be awesome!

  131. This is so great. With two little ones I find myself struggling to nurse while chasing my 17 month old haha

  132. My husband is awesome and always gets me anything I need while I’m nursing.

  133. Amanda Heck says

    I receive the best support from my family and close friends; they are amazing!

  134. my husband was and still is so supportive. I don’t know what I would do without him!

  135. The best kind of support was people not giving me any advice, rather asking me what was best for me and my baby and helping me do what I felt best.

  136. I have so many back issues that got worse when I nursed my older child for over a year. Now pregnant with number 2, this would be a huge help in chasing #1 around and saving my back!

  137. Red Head (Laura) says

    For someone to come and hold (bounce, sway, etc) between nursing sessions so momma can get a shower or pee alone.

  138. MyChau Brikshavana says

    My biggest support was my mom, who would bring meals on a tray to my bed, while I nursed my baby. I had a C-section so it was so helpful to have my mom around to help me keep my nutrition up while breastfeeding.

  139. This is amazing! I wish I knew about this with my first little one!

  140. I think being a friend and listening is one of the most meaningful ways to be supported.

  141. My husband has been my main support. He listens to me, helps with the household and kids and he tells me his primary goal in life is to make me happy.

  142. Cheryl Butler says

    I have chronic pain (back, ribs, neck). This would be incredibly helpful!

  143. To follow your motherly instincts!

  144. the most important support was from my wonderful husband, who was thankfully able to take 6 weeks off to help and bond. I think this truly got me through the toughest part with minimal baby blues.

    But a close second was the amazing group of moms-to-be I met in my birth class. After we delivered we all got together at a pub with a beautiful beer garden every week to nurse, eat, and have a beer while we traded advice and stress relievers. Such a wonderful group of women!

  145. Ewa Pinkowska says

    It has been super helpful having so many kind family and friends offering to lend a hand, even just to hold him for a while.

  146. As a first time mom it means a lot to me when family tells me they’re proud of the mom I have become and how good I am with my son….a little encouragement and reassurance does the soul good every now and then 🙂

  147. This is a great idea! I need one of these!

  148. Alayney Tressel says

    From my husband and my mother-in-law. 🙂

  149. We just had our second baby and it was an emotional rollercoaster, but I would have never made it though the beginning without the support from my husband and my mom.

  150. Chloe Piercy says

    The most meaningful support i received as a new parent was from my sister. She has 3 kids and she breasted all of them for at least a year, so she was a wealth of information and advice for me and still is.

  151. My husband was my biggest support. Just being there for me through the trials & errors of parenting, including breastfeeding. I’ve been breastfeeding for 3.5 years straight now. My 3.5 year old weaned 2 weeks after my 11 month old was born.

  152. Kristi Morton says

    The biggest support comes from my husband seeing when I’m overwhelmed and need a break.

  153. I’m pregnant with my first… but I’m sure that my husband will be my best supporter, and then my mom and mother-in-law!

  154. Shannon Shea Volpe says

    my husband is my biggest supporter!

  155. The most important support I receive is from my husband who knows that breast feeding takes up a lot of time and energy and knows that most other chores will fall on his shoulders, but still encourages and supports our decision to ebf all our children.

  156. i need one of these

  157. oh an my biggest supporter is my service dog

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