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infant feeding

Introducing Boobles™- MOST Like Mom

Introducing Boobles™- MOST Like Mom

theleakyb@@b6 min read

by Jessica Martin-Weber You’ve seen it, the advertising of bottles and formula announcing how their product is somehow “like mom.” Or proclaiming that there are new developments that allows their…

Bottle Feeding Breastfed Babies

theleakyb@@b8 min read

For those of you who combine bottles with breastfeeding – whether you’re pumping at work, supplementing, or use a bottle for occasional separations – bottle and nipple selection can be confusing. For those of you whose babies refuse bottles, it can be very frustrating! Information on how to choose a bottle, how to bottle feed, and pacing all from the Amy Peterson, IBCLC and author of the book Balancing Breast and Bottle: Reaching Your Breastfeeding Goals.

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