Momzelle Giveaway

When is a business more than a business?  When it cares about something other than “the bottom line.”  That’s what we love about our TLB sponsors.  Though these companies care about many different social and environmental causes, there is one thing that they all have in common: encouraging families on their breastfeeding journey.  One such company is Momzelle.  Read on as Christine, the woman behind this Canadian TLB sponsor, shares about how Momzelle cares about breastfeeding moms and enter for your chance to win a fun and comfortable nursing top!

Christine Poirier co-founder of Momzelle

TLB:  You make a variety of simple and very elegant tops for expecting and nursing women.  What are some of the values that you incorporate into the design of your clothing?

Christine Poirier:  I design the tops for mothers who love and care for their babies, nursing them night or day, and the tops reflect these values of love and care. The materials are soft and stretchy, meant to be comforting to the mother and to the baby who will be nursing and holding on to it. Freedom is also one of the values that go in the design of the clothing. The tops are meant to provide freedom to the mothers, who can nurse anywhere, and to the babies, who can feed anywhere. The tops have practical and simple nursing openings meant to ease new moms into their new motherly task of nursing.

TLB:  What kind of feedback have you received from the moms wearing your clothes?

Christine Poirier:  The comments we receive are overwhelmingly positive. One of the good things about the Momzelle website is that each product has its reviews posted next to it, with little stars that help choose what’s best. Some moms wonder why they did not get one before, others say that the Momzelle nursing tops are the best nursing tops they own. One of my favorite comment came from a mom who wanted to show her newborn to her relatives in a different state. She had to fly there and she was distressed at the idea of nursing her baby next to a stranger in the plane. She received her nursing top in time for her flight and she said it saved the trip. She was very thankful. This is what we are all about: helping women feel good about breastfeeding, no matter where they are.

TLB:  I know that you like to find ways to support women directly.  What are some of the ways that you are involved in supporting expecting and breastfeeding women?

Christine Poirier:  You should have a a look at our Facebook page! We have over 9700 fans and we post fun breastfeeding pics, jokes and inspiring quotes on a daily basis. That’s the fun bit. On the other serious side, we also have an informative section on our website and blog, where we post articles from my favorite doctor and breastfeeding specialist, Dr. Jack Newman. Outside of the web, I really like to encourage breastfeeding support groups like La Leche League and the activities that they organize. We do so by providing prizes for their events and by sponsoring them. We do the same for events that go across the board, like the yearly breastfeeding challenge (when groups across North America compete in a friendly way to get the most babies at the breast at the same time on the same day).  A couple of years ago, our efforts in supporting breastfeeding women were recognized when we won the “Best Socially-Minded Business Award” from the Canadian Youth Business Foundation. We are quite proud!

300 - Nursing band nursing baby

Christine Poirier of Momzelle nursing clothing is giving away a fun and comfy T-shirt to 3 lucky Leakies.

This comfortable Momzelle nursing T-shirt is made of 95% cotton, 5% spandex, comes in your choice of black or fuchsia, and says: “I make milk.  What’s your superpower?.”  Retail Value: $46.00

020- T-shirt with I make milk print black

Currently Leakies can find this fabulous nursing top and other breastfeeding items in the Momzelle website.


Good luck to everyone!  Please use the widget below to be entered.  The giveaway is open from June 4, 2013 through June 11, 2013.  A big thanks to Christine and Momzelle for their ongoing support of TLB and all breastfeeding women; please be sure to visit their Facebook page  or follow them on twitter  (@momzelle on Twitter) and thank them for their support of TLB and this giveaway opportunity.

This giveaway open to US and Canada entries.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love one of these for when my next LO comes in August.

  2. Michelle Bills says

    I make baby food for my little one with tummy troubles, i work 50 hrs a week and pump while i’m away, and because my little one misses me and wants to nurse all night i average about 3 hrs of sleep. Those are all superpowers, right?

  3. Stephanie says

    My other mommy super power is locating lost items quickly. Love the clothes!!!

  4. My other Mommy superpower is still working out 200+ minutes a week despite a hubby who works long, late hours, and little to no outside help looking after babe!

  5. Rachel williams says

    Being psychic.

  6. Jennifer says

    My super power is to stop a tantrum in its teacks with just alook! We know each other so well that even at 10 months he understands when hes got to bring it back a notch

  7. I don’t have any mommy super powers yet as I’m struggling with infertility. I hope to be a mom soon though!

    • Good luck on your difficult journey to becoming a parent! I hope one day you get to hold your own sweet little baby in your arms.

  8. Grace White says

    My superpower is balancing the needs of two children under the age of 2 and still maintaining so degree of sanity.

  9. Amy L. Norman says

    I exclusively pumped for over 11 months due to a latch issue. That was my superpower. Now, I can kiss away boo-boos. 🙂

  10. Elizabeth says

    I have never met a stain I couldn’t get out…..that’s my superpower! So, we get get as dirty as we want around here!

  11. Being able to multitask. Watch the baby and do things around the house.

  12. My other Mommy super power is being able to function (somewhat) with little to no sleep!

  13. Erynne Mitchell says

    My Mommy super power is the ability to change a poopy toddler diaper without puking.

  14. Calming baby and getting him to sleep when no one else can.

  15. Andrea R says

    My other mommy superpower is hearing the baby wake up when she barely makes a noise. I love Momzelle shirts; I have several.

  16. Christine W says

    I can make the baby laugh when she’s skyping with grandma and grandpa!

  17. making milk for twins! working full time night shift, and cloth diapering! 🙂

  18. Cute tops! Last summer my baby was a newborn so we were mostly home…now I need nursing friendly clothes for out and about 🙂

  19. My other mommy super power (according to my 4 year old) is always knowing when she’s picking her nose, even when I can’t see her face!

  20. Talia B. says

    Hmmmm…..making all of our food from scratch

  21. Carmon J says

    My other mommy super power is distracting the upset toddler!

  22. Besides making milk, my other superpower is being able to do everything while nursing and holding the baby with one arm.

  23. Getting the baby out of the carseat without waking him up! Still haven’t mastered getting him INTO the carseat without waking him, though.

  24. besides lactating, my other mommy super power is foot dexterity. I never realized I could do so many things with my feet when my hands are full!

  25. My other mommy super power is being able to calm down my LO with cuddles.

  26. sara swanson says

    My other super power is functioning on little sleep and cleaning the house with one hand

  27. Cheryl (@loucheryl) says

    My other mommy superpower is being able to run 2 miles in 17 minutes while pushing a jogging stroller with a 3 year old boy in tow!

  28. Oh man, I do feel like super woman but I think all Moms are! I have to say that I am pretty good at keep everyone’s schedule. Especially now the summer is here we are going to be really busy!

  29. I knit, sew and kick ass, not necessarily in that order.

  30. I love these!!! I have nursed my baby for 11 months so far, no plans to stop yet, I basically take care of baby, the house, our dog all on my own AND work a full time job while my husband works 7 days a week, 12+ hours per day.

  31. Shayna D says

    My mommy superpower is healing any malady with a smooch, and occasionally a band-aid.

  32. My super power is making babies! Hahaha.

  33. I always know when a cat is throwing up, even if I’m dead asleep ill instantly wake up! LOL

  34. Monique L. S. says

    I have super hearing and super fast reflexes (to catch things that baby gets her hands on and drops).

  35. Other super power, being able to function on little sleep ( think that would be a common super power…)

  36. Amanda Konkle says

    My other mom super powers are eliciting the elusive baby smiles and bouncing her to sleep!

  37. My other super power is cooking and baking… I love making yummy things for my family in the kitchen.

  38. Anne-Marie says

    I can learn lyrics to favorite songs with lightening speed! My best one, though, is making a smile appear just by walking in the room.

  39. as my husband told me this morning, I’m an artist with a spoon (feeding a baby) I was able to ever so smoothly feed her, come back and clean up (with the spoon) what was on her upper lip and chin and re-feed that food to her in one fell swoop. 🙂

  40. I can change a diaper anywhere, in any position!

  41. Definitely suspecting my kids are doing naughty things before I see it happening!

  42. ginger g. says

    Making gourmet meals and organizing!

  43. anne perry says

    Caring for petty learning toddler and teething baby 24 hours a day while making $500 last all month.

  44. My wife makes the milk, I just sometimes serve it. My superpower would be to fix things. I am a superb toy-fixing dad. Thanks!

  45. With 4 children, I have learned to multitask and do almost anything with only one hand. The other is usually carrying a baby or toddler.

  46. My superpower is being able to get through every day on very little sleep!

  47. Ana Davidson says

    I somehow find lost toys or hubby’s lost items. Doesn’t even take me long to find them. Now as for finding my stuff, that’s another story.

  48. My mommy super powers…keeping my kids alive?!

  49. Magical mommy kisses that help all owies 🙂

  50. My mom superpower is baking gluten free food 😉 and reading stories.

  51. As a mama who has exclusively breastfed all four of her kids until at least 17 months I wholeheartedly support breastfeeding, but I hate this phrase. What does it say to those who can’t nurse/pump? It would be about as tactful as wearing an “I make people. What’s your superpower?” shirt in front of friends and family who might struggle with infertility or miscarriages. I wish the giveaway was for a plain tee.

  52. My mommy super powers is breastfeeding while walking around the house and playing with my other little ones

  53. Let’s see, I grew a human being I think that counts as a super power. I’m also just awesome!

  54. How have I never heard of this company before? I love them!
    Right now I feel like my (sometimes-faulty) superpower is keeping up with a high-power toddler while carrying his little sister inside of me!

  55. Jennifer Silva says

    My mommy superpower, besides making milk, is usually knowing what’s wrong with my child when she’s crying. Usually the best solution, though, is nursing her through it 🙂

  56. Amanda Lockner says

    I would love to win this adorable shirt. BF’ing 10 1/2 months so far with no end in sight.

  57. I love this! As both a pediatrician and a new baby coming in September, I would wear this shirt with pride!

  58. I can wear a baby, hold hands with a 5 year old and carry a weeks worth of groceries up three flights of stairs! True story. Weekly cardio!

  59. I have several, lol. The ability to know when a quiet child has found the vaseline or shea butter and is about to cover their faces with it. he ability to know when one child will crash into another. The ability to know when one child is about to bite, hit, or pull the hair of another.

  60. Changing a diaper on a moving target.

  61. Having super powers come natural as a mother I am assuming. Outside of making milk, I have the power to heal with a rub or kiss, I have the power to make things appear that weren’t there before but most of all I have the super power to love more than one kid at a time while playing the role of mom and dad!

  62. I make *lots* of milk…

  63. ashley fortier says

    rrebtly nursing my 9 mo old with no end in sight!

  64. Very pretty tops. Extended exclusive nursing. That’s my power

  65. Magical pain-free splinter removal and super fast diaper changes 🙂

  66. alexandra d. says

    My mama super power: being able to soothe my little one when she is upset by nursing.

  67. danielle says

    Making the best chocolate chip cookies, and ebf for 7 months so far!

  68. SJ Menefee says

    Amazing bedtime story reading powers and poop catching abilities. 🙂

  69. Chasady Hampton says

    My other mommy super powers consist of keeping schedule for 5 people this includes my two children, my hubby, me and my mother because she recently got hurt at work. I clean, cook, run errands,keep house, going to my doctor appt every two weeks, working on potty training,make sure my 8 year old son gets to practices two-three times a week. Nurse 17 month old daughter while 7 months pregnant and still going strong with no plans to stop and planing on tandem feeding. All managing on little to no sleep….

  70. Ashley M says

    Kissing booboos 🙂 It’s so funny how a kiss from us moms can make things all better!

  71. Sarah Thornton says

    MOMMY SUPPER POWERS- 1. Kissing away the boo-boo’s 2. snuggling away the nightmares 3.Fixing all toys

  72. Keeping the family stocked with clean clothes, good food and lots of love!

  73. Vanessa R. says

    My mommy super power is EBF my 12 week old and him hitting the 90th weight percentile! The milk is good, eh!

  74. Running on 3 hours of sleep like I slept for 12.

  75. Amanda M. says

    My other mommy superpowers include cloth diapering, baby wearing, and baby food making!

  76. My mommy super power is making my little boy feel better- no matter how long it takes. I absolutely LOVE momezelle nursing shirts and will soon be nursing again so need to stock up.

  77. I make milk and know where everything is in this mess we call home!

  78. My super power is carrying a four year old and a 14 month old at the same time.

  79. Super power: Functioning on little amounts of sleep!

  80. I would love one of these shirts for when my 3rd little girl comes in August!

    Super Mommy Powers: I can kiss boo boos away, cuddle away any fears, and make some pretty princess dresses 🙂

  81. Shakeeta W says

    My biggest superpower is being able to get in as much snuggle/play time with my kids as I can even though I work. As soon as I get home to them, it’s just fun galore! My other one is fighting through IGT to still BF my 13-month-old 🙂

  82. I can calm a screaming baby and make eggs just the way my son likes them. I can kiss the boo boos away and turn a frown upside down. ;D I am mom hear me rowr lol

  83. maegan delorme says

    My mom super power is sewing up cloth diapers and other things, and pumping while ebf my 10 month old with a nipple shield!

  84. This is AWESOME! Step aside Superman…MOMMY is here!

  85. My superpower is working full time, pumping, and running home just in time for bedtime!

  86. Marcella says

    I’m expecting baby #3 in August, and starting in September, I’ll be a senior intern in my school’s acupuncture clinic. I’m going to have to pump in between patients, so I could really use a new nursing top that’s comfortable yet professional.

  87. Marcella says

    My super power is popping out kids while going to grad school full time. Since starting this program, I’ve had two boys and I’m expecting baby #3 in August. Starting in September, I’ll be a senior intern in my school’s acupuncture clinic. I’m going to have to pump in between patients, so I could really use a new nursing top that’s comfortable yet professional.

  88. Rachel Jaques says

    My Mommy superpower is just simply surviving right now. I have a 4 year old and 2 year old and I’m pregnant with a third. The two boys just started sharing a bedroom to make room for the new one on the way. I am also on Day 45 of a constant migraine headache which none of my doctors can figure out.

  89. I am still nursing my 2 year old as well as my 3 week old. 🙂

  90. Marcela L says

    I love that Momzelle is proudly Canadian!

  91. Kandi Broersma says

    Tandem nursing a newborn and 2 1/2 year old!! 🙂

  92. I can nurse my baby while running around the house, picking things up with my toes so I don’t have to lean over!! Lol 🙂

  93. I’m a full-time working mom and just getting used to this new mom-thing, so I’m feeling pretty super 🙂

  94. Not sleeping 😛

  95. My other mommy superpowers, besides making milk, are being able to do an astounding variety of tasks with just one hand, and being able to decipher what my daughter (21 months) is asking for even when no one else can!

  96. To be able to calm any tantrum with mommy milk!

  97. Balancing the needs of my 3yo and 9mo, day and night!

  98. jennifer says

    i have 4 girls, still nursing a 18 month old, work full time, still have time to take care of all my girls needs!

  99. Besides making milk, I also make people, lol!

  100. Ashley C. says

    My mommy super power is remembering they are only little for a short time, so I get all the snuggles and cuddles I can!

  101. Mom super power- the ability to go days with out sleep 😉

  102. My superpower is managing to take care of my 11 month old by myself for weeks at a time when her dad is gone for work while working full time and keeping the house (somewhat) under control.

  103. My mom super-power is to wear a toddler AND an infant at the same time. I have mad skillz! 😉

  104. Mine would be not needing sleep.

  105. My mommy super power is changing him into his nighttime cloth diaper without waking him up. Or better yet, doing it while nursing him!

  106. Britni Bradford says

    brushing a sleeping baby’s teeth

  107. Raising two sweet toddlers who sleep through the night!

  108. Jenn McClearn says

    I cloth diaper 🙂

  109. Krista G says

    Making baby boy forget that he hurt himself when he hit is head. It’s the best to provide instant comfort!

  110. Juggling everything!

  111. My kiss makes owies go away.

  112. rebecca williams says

    My other superpower is getting stains out of clothes

  113. rebecca williams says
  114. Samantha F. says

    Making people! :o)

  115. Sarah Clark says

    It’s always been hard to find good nursing wear.

  116. Katie Pitcher says

    My super power is surviving on no sleep 🙂

  117. I inherited my super power from my mom–I have eyes in the back of my head.

  118. I love love love this shirt!!

  119. My superpower is that i grew two people inside me – and am managing to keep them happy and healthy! I love love love this shirt!!

  120. Jodi Meier says

    6 weeks today!! Still haven’t adjusted to mommyhood enough to identify additional superpowers.

  121. My superpower is getting all 3 of my children to sleep at the same time!

  122. My other mommy super power is cloth diapering!

  123. I love all my momzelle tops! my super power besides making milk is making my son smile. man that’s just awesome!

  124. Listening to my hubby talk whilst hearing the almost inaudible click of the bedroom door closing down the hall…then I know there is trouble brewing!

  125. arely colin says

    i dont have super powers

  126. Cat kershaw says

    This would be awesome. I usually wear two shirts bc with an I cup things get crazy. This would be a lighter option for summer.

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