Honoring the lactation journey and weaning is supported in this guided reflection to set up meaningful remembrance and celebration for the impactful experience of breastfeeding your child. Whether you’re excited about your nursing relationship coming to a close or feeling sad or conflicted, this instant download gets you started right away on determining what’s right for you to honor your lactation journey.
We spend a lot of time establishing our lactation journeys but very little preparing for the closure of that path. This can leave us feeling disconnected from our own experience or that the journey was anticlimactic, particularly when it ends unceremoniously. “All Done Nursing” supports readers in taking time to reflect on their lactation path, honor the journey in personally meaningful ways, and celebrate the experience to bring closure to that important aspect of their relationship with their child. For before, during, and any time after weaning, “All Done Nursing” is for anyone that has fed a child with their milk no matter where they are in that relationship.
Fill in the gap often left out in lactation support at the end of the journey with this E-book with uniquely personalized guidance that fits your experience.
Use this publication however you’d like. Reading it through as a booklet or interacting as a workbook or guided journal. Skim it on a mobile device, read it and ponder carefully, print it and mark it up, write, circle what’s helpful, cross out what isn’t, add your own thoughts, whatever is helpful for you. Like breastfeeding, weaning, or remembering, your experience through this publication may unfold differently for you than it will for others. That’s how it is designed to be. Just as your lactation journey is uniquely yours with your child, how you use this is unique to you as well.
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