Tag Archives

breastfeeding advocacy

Guest Post from Suzanne of The Fearless Formula Feeder- Mean People Suck.

Guest Post from Suzanne of The Fearless Formula Feeder- Mean People Suck.

theleakyb@@b6 min read

But bloggers like the Alpha person are not complicated. They are simple. They are mean. And mean people suck. They suck the life out of images like this; make them fodder for a contrived mommy war. They suck the life out of breastfeeding advocacy efforts, because they perpetuate the myth of the “breastapo” by becoming a caricature of that concept. They suck the joy out of parenting, by making it a competition. They suck the intelligence and nuance out of what could be a productive debate between people who genuinely care about maternal and child health. And they suck the energy out of bloggers like Jessica and myself, who resent that we feel forced into a corner and made to confront this type of bottom-feeding behavior, when we could be focusing our collective efforts on something more productive.

Breastfeeding? Check. Now What?

Breastfeeding? Check. Now What?

theleakyb@@b5 min read

Being a breastfeeding supporter makes a difference and connects us to a larger community. Holistic Moms Network founder, Nancy Massotto, talks about how we need mom-to-mom interactions and community in our real life and the long term affects on our children of being an advocate passionate about a cause and being open to growing and learning in community.

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