Preparing to Feed Your Baby

Baby Feeding Options

What you need to know about your baby feeding options


Think of this as the helpful big sis full of information and experience that dispels the mist around baby feeding, lactation, pumping, formula, bottles, and gets down to earth with solution focused, practical recommendations that are realistic and accessible. Take it all in at your own pace, find answers to your specific questions, and have fun getting to know your baby through your very own personal feeding journey.

Researching and learning about all the different ways you can feed your baby can be overwhelming. I hope we can help you answer the questions you have so you feel confident in your capabilities as a parent as you nourish and care for your little one.


The oldest baby feeding method in the books and the inspiration for the naming of an entire classification of animals: mammals- so named for the mammary glands that produce milk to feed their young.

The word “mammal” comes from the same root word as “mammary,” lactating is part of what makes us, us! Just because it is natural doesn’t mean it comes naturally. While some find it is an easy journey, there can be a learning curve and may take a little bit to feel confident in the experience.

The short version: lactation is the process of producing and releasing human milk.

When you get pregnant your body goes through a series of changes that start the process of making milk.

What makes human milk so great anyway?

Breastfeeding / Body Feeding

Feeding your baby your milk typically looks one of two ways: latching your baby directly onto your nipple or removing your milk from your breast (called expressing) and feeding it to your baby another way. Even within those two primary approaches there are variations and every breastfeeding journey can be unique. When you feed your baby from your body, it is a journey with two distinct individuals; you and your baby each have your own experiences. Even if you have multiple babies the way feeding goes can be unique to each. Often it takes practice and time to build the skills for feeding and while breastfeeding is natural, for many of us it doesn’t come naturally as it is a learned skill. And we’re not the only ones learning, our babies are too!

Set up for success by preparing to feed your baby by knowing what is normal, how you and your baby work together, how to take care of you, and when to call for help.

A Practical Approach to Breastfeeding / Body Feeding

The short version: lactation is the process of producing and releasing human milk.

Baby Feeding Positions - Breastfeeding / Body Feeding

The short version: lactation is the process of producing and releasing human milk.

Expressing Milk

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullam corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Hand Expression & Collection

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Human Milk Safe Handling

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Your Lactation Checklist

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Bottle Feeding & Other Alternatives

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullam corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

The First Rule Is Feed the Baby

Why you may use alternative feeding options.

It Doesn't Have To Be All or Nothing

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Alternative Infant Feeding Options

by Rachelle Markham, IBCLC

Donor Milk

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Nourishing Your Baby with Bottle Feeding

by Bryna Hayden, IBCLC

Picking Bottles / Nipples

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Baby Feeding Positions - Bottle Feeding

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