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Reasons To Love Your Body Right Now

Reasons To Love Your Body Right Now

theleakyb@@b5 min read

by Joni Edelman It seems of all the things we love, it’s hardest to love ourselves. Maybe it’s the ideal we are being sold by the media. Maybe it’s borne…

Breastfeeding and Teenage Boys

Breastfeeding and Teenage Boys

theleakyb@@b5 min read

by Joni Edelman Sometime in the early 2000s, a friend was visiting my house for a playdate. Nothing special, just the typical crackers and raisins and toys all over the…

Fitness and Breastfeeding

Fitness and Breastfeeding

theleakyb@@b4 min read

Can you safely exercise while breastfeeding? Will it effect your milk? What about watching what you eat? Star Rodriguez, IBCLC, looks at 3 common myths associated with breastfeeding and fitness, showing that you CAN take care of your health and your baby’s.

Boobs- Function and Pleasure

Boobs- Function and Pleasure

theleakyb@@b3 min read

The dual nature of the human breast is one that we have a really, really hard time with in most Westernized countries. Breastfeeding moms are asked to cover up or kicked out of various places, yet we use bikini clad models to sell any number of things. With the vastly sexualized nature of the breast, is it any wonder that I have client after client who is concerned that nursing will feel sexual to her, or that she won’t be able to still be attractive if she’s nursing?

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