Babywearing chat with

TLB sponsor brought a live chat with our readers on The Leaky Boob Facebook wall, giving us the opportunity to chat about all things babywearing. It was great fun with great prizes (the randomly selected winners notified via email) and lots of information. If you have questions about babywearing, visit these archived threads to hear from other Leakies and Jillian with her PAXmommies sharing their experience and expert advice. So grateful for the support of!
Introduction and sharing favorite carriers
Breastfeeding and babywearing- which carriers and tips
Breastfeeding in a woven wrap hip carry video
Babywearing the newborn- carrier options and safety information
Babywearing past the newborn stage
Babywearing for plus-sized and large breasted moms
Why have more than one carrier? The benefits of a carrier stash
General questions for the PAXmommies
Babywearing and weather considerations- hot, cold, and wet
PAXbaby email sign up for more information