#LeakyLooks: Pump it UP!

Kileah McIlvain3 min read
by Kileah McIlvain

Pumping Moms. Working and running the office. Pumping for their own baby and for another around the clock. Getting ready for their first date without baby.

These warrior mamas, whatever their environment, are changing a life one ounce of breastmilk at a time. 

Before I share my #LeakyLooks picks for you this week, can I just take a moment to give you mamas a virtual hug? Because you inspire me. You show me that I can do this. Mothering. Working. Partnering. I hope that in some small way I can inspire you this week, Leakies. To inspire you to harness that internal power you have always had. To know that you are blooming from the inside out. That all of you is more than enough, and that you are beautiful. That being yourself, no matter where life takes you, will be what profoundly changes lives around you. So keep thriving, Leaky. We’re doing this together.

Because we are, and always will be, enough. 

Pumping For Two

Pumping For Two

This look is a shoutout to my exclusive pumping friends and for those who are pumping to donate milk to a mama and baby in need. Life has to keep going, even when you’re pumping around the clock so this #LeakyLook is all about feeling put together, comfort, and easy access when you’re on the go!

1. Old Navy Boyfriend Chambray buttoned top   2. AE Outfitters lightweight scarf   3. Torrid Lean Jeans in Faded Medium Wash   4. Elomi Beatrice Soft Cup Nursing Bra   5. Snugabell Pumpease pumping bra   6. Beco Baby Carrier in “Steps”   7. OiOi Crushed Wax Canvas Satchel Diaper Bag   8. Dr. Browns Glass bottles

All That Class

All That Class

This beautiful #LeakyLook is to show how a put together look can be beautiful, functional and get you comfortably through a long day pumping at work! Why did I include a baby hat? Because having something nearby with your baby’s scent is a good way to encourage letdown when you’re pumping. (Ok, and it’s just adorable!)

1. Seraphine Graphic Floral Nursing Dress   2./3. Modcloth Necklace and earrings   4. Trenchcoat from Macy’s   5. Say It Quaint So Heel from Modcloth   6. Motherlove Nipple Cream   7. Juno Blu Esalen Pumping Bag               8. Cake Licorice Twist Flexible Wire Nursing Bra   9. Hanna Andersson knit baby hat 

Getting Ready For Date Night

Getting Ready For Date Night

I remember my first date night with my partner, just the two of us, after our youngest was born! It was slightly nerve-wracking and exciting. Carefully pumping milk in my little black nursing dress while I got ready before my husband came home, shaving my legs, picking out my outfit. I wanted to feel fabulous. For this #LeakyLook I wanted to go with simple and chic. (My favorite part? The calm drops from Calm-a-Mama. Helped to calm my anxiousness when leaving baby for our dinner and a movie! Small enough to fit in my clutch.)

1. Milk Nursing Wear Little Black Nursing Dress   2. Belabumbum Lena Peek-A-Boo Nursing Bra   3. Sophi non-toxic nail polish in “Featured Attraction”   4. Fossil Emory Clutch in “Bright Pink”   5. On Point! Earrings from Modcloth   6. Tea and Jam Session Wedge from Modcloth   7. Calm Drops from Calm-a-Mama

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1 Comment
  • Suz
    August 21, 2015

    Your post (delivered to my email) was just what I needed today. I’m a strung out mamma of two, working full time and exclusively bf’ing the little guy (therefore pumping at work and trying to actually get my work done too- nearly impossible!). This path is not for the faint of heart! Add to that the Little guy, a teething six month old who wants to nurse every two hours from 9pm- 7am, it’s all I can do to make it through the end of the week.
    I always enjoy your “leaky looks” emails but didn’t expect to find this little heartfelt note of support. So thank you. Yes, you are having an impact!