How to Breastfeed in a Moby Wrap

theleakyb@@b2 min read

Sponsored by Moby Wrap, where babies get a good wrap.


Nursing mamas rejoice! You can wear your baby and breastfeed at the same time!

Sarah Harding Traverso of Asobi Sport Family Fitness and Moby Wrap have put together a couple of quick tutorials to demonstrate two popular ways to breastfeed baby while wearing a Moby Wrap: 1) The Side Hold and 2) The Easy Hold. Rest assured, they’re both pretty dang easy, and we’re confident you’ll find the breastfeeding hold that works best for you and your baby. See the videos for the full tutorial, which includes steps on returning baby to the starting position after nursing.

We’ll add more How to Breastfeed in a Moby Wrap tutorials soon, so stay tuned!


Side Hold Steps:

1: Start in the Hug Hold

2: Gently Pull the Seat Belt Down

3: Pull One Shoulder Panel Away & Support Baby’s Head

4: Safely Lift Baby Out of the Moby Wrap

5: Place Baby on the Shoulder Above the Breast From Which You Will Feed (i.e.: Left Breast; Left Shoulder)

6: Reach Under Opposite Panel (i.e.: Left Breast; Right Panel) and Grab Baby’s Feet

7: Open Panel & Slide Baby’s Feet, Body, and Arms into the Panel

8: Lift Baby & Panel Up while Leaning Back to Gather the Seat Belt

9: Pull the Seat Belt Up & Over Baby’s Lower Leg Securing Baby’s Bottom

10: Spread the Seat Belt Up & Over Baby’s Bottom & Shoulder

11: Latch Baby & Pull Shoulder Panel Down For Privacy

12: Keep One Hand on Baby at All Times while Baby Nurses

Watch the video!



Easy Hold Steps:

1: Start in the Hug Hold; Know which Breast from which you’ll Feed

2: Reach Under Same Panel (i.e.: Right Breast; Right Panel) & Support Baby’s Head

3: Gently Guide Baby’s Head Under that Panel

4: If Baby is Lined up with Mom’s Breast, Let Baby Latch

5: If Baby is Not Lined up Perfectly, Shimmy Baby’s Bottom Toward Mom’s Opposite Hip (i.e.: Right Breast; Left Hip)

6: Pull the Shoulder Panel Down for Privacy; Keep One Hand on Baby at All Times while Baby Nurses

Watch the video!

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