How to Wean Your Teenager

by Jessica Martin-Weber with Ophélia and Lavinia Martin-Weber
It is a well known fact that if you don’t make sure you get a baby off the boob by the end of their first year or definitely by the time they are two, they will never, ever stop breastfeeding and you’ll have to go to college with them. This is a fact known by every Tom, Dick, and Harry, Cindy, Karen, and Amanda. If you’re not aware of this, don’t worry, any conversation about breastfeeding beyond infancy in person, on an online article, blog posts, and of course, social media, will eventually become about this very fact. It is an inescapable truth: if you breastfeed past infancy your child will never wean and you will find yourself breastfeeding a teenager or young adult some day. Once they can ask for it you have to cut them off or they will never stop. Clearly breastfeeding is more addictive than chocolate, alcohol, crack, speed, shopping, and independence.
Because everyone knows that 3 and 13 are pretty much the same thing, you just stick a one in front of that 3. Teens are, according to most people, really just toddlers in bigger bodies, with raging hormones, pimples, and a slightly larger vocabulary. The temper tantrums are pretty much the same. Childhood goes so fast, don’t blink because you’ll miss it if you do and the next thing you know your 6’ 1” teenage boy will be folding himself onto your lap and tugging at your shirt saying “nene please mama.” Fact.
*Disclaimer: I have teenagers, they were breastfed as babies and toddlers but they never breastfed beyond early childhood so I can’t say I have any experience with this fact myself, nor have I ever encountered a breastfeeding teenager and unless my friends are lying, neither have they. But thousands of people say it is true. I know, I read it online.
But let’s say you’ve done it, ignored all the warnings and breastfed your child after their 1st birthday and then even after their 2nd and 3rd and 4th birthdays, now what? If you haven’t already, you’re headed straight to meeting them at lunch in high school so they can have mama milk. And if you have more than one child, you really are in big trouble. Juggling all those schedules to get your kids their babas is going to get really challenging.
It’s true, I guess, you’re just going to HAVE to cut them off at some point unless you really are ok following them to college and then some day on their honeymoon. There could be bonding moments in the future as you breastfeed your grown son while his wife breastfeeds their son. If that just won’t work for you though, how are you ever going to get that teenager to stop breastfeeding? When is it really time to wean and how do you do it?
I turned to my resident experts on teens: Earth Baby, 16, and Storyteller, 13. They were a bit shocked when I initially brought it up to them:
Me: “How should a mom wean their teenager from breastfeeding?”
EB: “Wait, WHAT?”
Storyteller: “That’s a thing? I don’t think that’s a thing.”
Me: “It’s totes a thing, I read it online.”
*At this point I got “the look” from Storyteller.
Storyteller: “You should never say ‘totes again’ and now I know that’s not a thing.”
EB: “Wait, WHAT? Are you really asking what I think you are asking?”
Me: “What’s wrong with me saying ‘totes’? And yes, I’m really asking.”
EB: “I don’t think any of my friends have conversations like this with their moms…”
Storyteller: “OMG, I know mine don’t. They also don’t breastfeed. Or say ‘totes.’ People saying teenagers breastfeed are severely lacking in intelligence. You can’t say ‘totes’ because you’re too old.”
EB: “Our family is weird, isn’t it?”
Me: “They either don’t breastfeed because their mom weaned them when they were young enough or they do breastfeed in secret. Some of them have to because I read it on the internet. Why am I too old to say ‘totes’?”
Storyteller: “You do know you can’t believe everything you read on the internet, right? It’s just dumb to think that kids that don’t stop breastfeeding when they are little will end up wanting to breastfeed as teenagers. Saying ‘totes’ is dumb too. What is wrong with people?”
Me: “I write on the internet, of course you can believe everything you read on the internet!
Earth Baby: “This is ridiculous.”

It took a while to get them to just go with me on this but that was an excellent example of just how hard it could be to wean a teenager. They’re stubborn creatures and smart too, they can argue until you’re blue in the face and they’ll still continue. Weaning a breastfed teenager could be intensely difficult! I can see why there are so many warnings to wean while they are still young.
Besides, can you imagine breastfeeding through the dreaded wisdom teeth stage?
After bribing them, they came up with some ideas. I shot down a few, such as the suggestion that you just tell them no, that it’s all done. Oh puh-lease, teenagers and “no” go about as well together as oil and water. I’m not so great at taking a direct “no” either so I know it’s best to save them for the big things such as “no, you absolutely can not surf on the hood of a truck going down the highway.” They agreed that “no” wouldn’t work given our family’s own personal experience with how well “no” is an effective strategy for a teenager. #itsnoteffectiveatall
Here are the ones we all thought might be most effective though, all approved by the teenagers in my house:
Gentle conversation. According to my 13 year old, teenagers are reasonable.
Moving on.
Bribe them with cake. That’s right, offer cake and tell them if they give up “bobbies” they can have cake. Also acceptable would be cake pops, frappuccinos, mini doughnuts, and iTunes gift cards.
Wean to drive. They can’t drive or get a drivers license until they give up the mama milks for good. No exceptions. It would be so important for mom to hold strong when the whining starts after they’ve started driving and start whining about how badly they need their nene.
Entertainment options. If you’re trying to wean a younger teen or maybe a tween, you could try saying no PG 13 movies because those movies are for big kids and big kids don’t get to breastfeed any more. This will work because all their friends will be talking about the next Pitch Perfect movie and they’ll totally be left out which would even be worse than weaning.
Smart phone. Like breastfeeding, all the teens are smartphoning these days. It’s simple though, mom will have to get another job to afford the bill so she can’t breastfeed any more. If they want a smartphone to fit in with their friends, they’ll be more than willing for mom to hang up her nursing bras and go to work.
Dating. Explain that any possible dates will be a little horrified if they found out they were still breastfeeding. It could really hurt their chances of finding a date… ever. But since embarrassment is worse than death for teens, simply posting a breastfeeding selfie and tagging them on social media would possibly do it. Also, would take care of the whole talking to you thing.
Prom. There’s just no way you could find an on trend yet age appropriate prom dress that has easy boob access. Show them what you’d have to wear to prom so they had mama milks when they needed it. They’ll never want to breastfeed again.
Charge. Teenagers are the largest demographic with a disposable income. Use it to your advantage, my 13yo thought that $1/1 minute sounded about fair if a teen wanted to continue breastfeeding. That would encourage them to wean real quick: buy a new outfit or get some “bob bob” and the decision would be pretty simple.
Just say no. My teenagers maintain that saying “my body, my choice” would be a firm boundary no teenager would cross. Specially if you’re already teaching them to respect themselves and others.
So, tell us, what are your tips for weaning teenagers?
*Please note: this is intended to be humorous with a bit of satire.

December 5, 2014This is the most brilliant thing I’ve ever read on the internet.
Tina Lute
December 6, 2014My son is 14 months and going strong. At Thanksgiving my Dad asked how much longer I planned on breastfeeding… again… and I responded with “probably never at this point,” and chuckled. My dad did not laugh nor think it was something that should be dismissed. He really wanted a planned answer. Jeeze people. Chill. LOL. This article was hilarious, thanks for the tips… since I’ll apparently be nursing until my son is a teen at this rate 😉
Karen Perez
December 6, 2014Love this! Tell EB and Storyteller hi for me!
December 7, 2014I am ok with BF my teenager but I have a real problem with finding a carrier that fits him.
I have a preteen tula and a teen luna, they’re about the same size, but it kind of hurts my back when he’s falling asleep while at the breast.
Does any of you, ladies, have a better option for wearing my teen while BF?
December 9, 2014Kinderpack makes an Early 20s sized….I belive it is the largest on the market and you can get it with the koolnit panel. much more comfortable in summer 😉
Sandy Moore-Furneaux
December 9, 2014Thank you SO MUCH for being you!! I have such a great time reading your blog.
I used to tell people that I was pretty sure my sons would wean before they left for college. I was right! They even live far away in different states, now.
December 9, 2014Love your article! Tonight I was told by my mom, yet again, that I should stop fb my 2 year old. And I gave her another good reason not to when she said my daughter had had fever all day and didn’t have dinner: ” well at least she drank my milk so she will be fine AND hydrated. I know that people around me think that. I don’t care, I’m ready for college!!! :))
December 9, 2014You’ve just made my morning 🙂
Sometimes with a 4yo nursing (and a 20mo), it feels like it will never end. But of course it will, within the next few short years, she’ll decide the time is up. I’ll bookmark this as a reminder
December 11, 2014“Childhood goes so fast, don’t blink because you’ll miss it if you do and the next thing you know your 6’ 1” teenage boy will be folding himself onto your lap and tugging at your shirt saying “nene please mama.” ”
That line cracked me up so hard, I woke my 5 month old son up from his sleep-nursing (folded in my lap, of course).