Tips for Breastfeeding in a Soft Structured Carrier

This post made possible by the generous sponsorship of ErgoBaby Carriers.
Babywearing and breastfeeding often go hand in hand; breastfeeding encouraged and even made easier by babywearing and babywearing encouraged and even made easier by breastfeeding. Â There can be a learning curve to figuring that out though but worth taking the time to see if it is something that would work for you. Â Once I got the hang of breastfeeding in a carrier it made it so much easier to chase around my other children (I have 6 total, keeping up is a big job!) and meet my baby’s needs too.
Whatever carrier you have or prefer, breastfeeding is likely possible while babywearing. Â Today I’m sharing some simple tips for breastfeeding in a soft structured carrier using an Ergo. Â The below video was shot last fall at the ABC Kids 2012 show, a simple demonstration of breastfeeding in a carrier.
Tips for breastfeeding in a soft stucture carrier:
1. Be confident. Fake it until you are.
2. Be patient. Â It may take time and practice and being patient with the process will help in the long run.
3. Practice at home when baby isn’t hungry so you don’t feel stressed or rushed.
4. Release strap on side you’re going to feed from.
5. If necessary undo back clip.
6. Loosen and lower waist if you need to get the baby still lower to the breast.
7. Wear a low cut stretchy neckline and pull breast out the top to avoid wrestling with pulling your shirt up with baby on you.
8. Slip hand in top or side of carrier to free breast and latch baby. Â Can use two hands usually if needed.
9. Large breasted women may find a rolled up receiving blanket placed under the breast helpful for support.
10. If baby has trouble latching, leaning forward may help give a little more space.
11. Once latched tighten straps for hands-free Breastfeeding.
12. If you feel you need more coverage snap one side of the hood. Â Leave the other open so you can see in easily.
13. Once baby is done eating, slip hand in to put your breast away.
14. Tighten strap and waist to raise baby back to the safest position with the top of their head easily kissable.
Breastfeeding carries on!

August 22, 2013Thank you so much for this post! I have an Ergo and have been trying to figure out how to nurse in it. @BabyGearGuy told me in Mpls that you’d know. Thanks again for this info and the video!!
August 26, 2013very helpful, thanks! I’ve nursed both of my babies in various museums & even down the streets of Paris in my Ergo… however it was not easy! I usually have had to put them in “wrong,” with both their legs on one side, as if the Ergo were a sling. I also had to wear a nursing cover over the top several of the times, of else it would have been quite an eyefull, lol. I’ll have to use some of these tips to try again & see if I can be a bit more graceful. My favorite story still is nursing my daughter in the Ergo while walking through Pais’ Sewer Museum, which is, of course, in the old sewer!
August 31, 2013I had read that breastfeeding in the carrier was rather difficult for larger breasted women, so I didn’t even try at the beginning. But 8 months in I finally gave it a go in our Mei Tai and it actually worked! It also saved us while out shopping the other day. I searched high and low for an empty bench for 10 minutes before finally just throwing baby in the carrier and whipping out the ta ta. I have to say, it was quite liberating!! ^_^
Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas
August 31, 2013My Ergo is such a vital part of our being able to go anywhere these days! A simple trip to the grocery store or Target is anything BUT simple with a nursling, but with my Ergo I can go without help (even with my 3yo along!) and nurse on demand in our Ergo! It just makes everything SO much easier. We haven’t taken ours too many exotic places, but I do love to use it at the local farmer’s market, and I recently used it to take our baby to an art gallery opening which was fun and a little different! I have several friends who are expecting and I like to wear my Ergo around them so they can see how easy wearing your baby can be. Lead by example, right? 😉 If I were to win this one, I would gift it to my friend expecting a baby girl in December. Thanks for the chance!
January 31, 2014Slightly late, but thank you ;D
Baby Carrier
July 29, 2015Thanks for sharing and we couldn’t agree more, a baby carrier is a great way to facilitate breastfeeding, especially when on the go
June 12, 2016Do you have any advise on feeding whilst using an infant insert?
July 19, 2016I have a 3,5 month old and I have been breastfeeding on the go with him since he was 2,5 months in a ergo baby marine carrier (whales). I used a rolled up a receiving blanket as a seat and had his legs tucked in the carrier, I never used an insert. About three months when I noticed he was big enough I stopped using the blanket. In both ways I BF him. I live in Bavaria Germany surrounded by lakes and mountains, so I love to go hiking, on it and it is much better than having a stroller for those narrow paths. I also go to the supermarket, appointments etc. I do exactly as the lady in the video shows and I find it so easy,I loose the strap I nurse him from but I also loose a bit of the other side and works perfect for me, I put on the cover and off we go 🙂
My husband also tried it yesterday (Without mom), it was so easy to adjust him in. The went hiking for 1,5 hours together and he never cried (the baby ;), he told me he slept for a bit but most of the time he looked around at the goats, cows etc, with me he always falls asleep. I don’t really use pacifiers but II sometimes give it to him in the carrier once I know he is well fed and he is just using my nipple for comfort, which I have no problem at all when at home but outside I prefer he is not asleep on my nipple 😀
Keep on baby wearing it is amazing!